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"S-Sure... as a date." Jun stuttered. "Cool. Now, since we are like 5 minutes late, let's take a short cut, shall we?" Minghao said. Jun's eyebrows twitched. "W-What do you mean..?" Jun asked. "Oh you will understand, but for now on, I want you to just hold my hand and stay calm." He said as he extended his hand. Jun placed his hand on the younger's with no hesitation. "Off we go."

Minghao turned right in a dirt path way. On the other hand, Jun was just tightening his grip from the younger's. "Almost there..?" He asked. "Just a few more sec—" Minghao got cut of by a police officer that was behind his tail. He immediately stopped the car and saw the cop car stopping behind him too.

"Ugh. Deep trouble eh?" Minghao said, "but don't worry, I know who the cop is, and plus, he can't make me go in trouble."

"H-Huh?" Was all Jun said.

A few seconds later, the cop knocked on his window and gave him the ticket without even talking to him. "S.Coups! Didn't know you were the cop." Minghao sarcastically said. "Stop calling me by my nickname Minghao."

"I can when I want to, plus," Minghao stopped and went through his pocket to give Seungcheol something, "I got the gum that you wanted." He said with a wink. "Thank you. I actually needed this. Also, don't drive on the patch of grass. It ruins the environment." Seungcheol walked away as his words did too. "Copy that!"

Minghao drove away and got out of the grass. "Where does road lead to exactly?" Jun asked. "The highway. Then work." He responded.


They both had finally arrived towards the building and got off the vehicle immediately because of how much time Minghao wasted. As soon as they got to the floor that they work on, their boss was outside waiting for them. "Office. Now." He stated. Both felt guilty but Jun let off the guilt by holding on the Minghao's hand. The younger blushed since he has never felt this feeling before with him. When they both reached his office, they saw tons of paper work on their boss's table. They sat down on chairs that were in front of their boss. "So, why exactly were you guys late?" His boss asked. They both knew the reason: Minghao.

"I-" Jun cutted Minghao off.

"We had to take care of the dog. He was sick and then one of our friends finally took care of him." Jun lied. Minghao's grip got tighter on Jun's hand. "Okay then. Mind if you do these paper work together then?" He asked, sliding the big stack of papers towards them. They both let go and carried the stack. "Thank you boys!"

"Your welcome.." Minghao groaned. They both got out and saw everyone outside the office. "Not this.." Jun mumbled. They both avoided the crowded and went towards their offices, which is a few steps away.



[Break time]

"Hey Jun, they only had a burger. Sorry if you wanted a salad." Minghao said. He sat down and gave him the burger. Jun was distracted by something that Minghao didn't notice. Well, someone.

Minghao looked up and saw the older with a frown. "You okay?" He asked with his mouth full. When he heard the boy, he immediately remembered one of his memories with Mingyu.


"Hey babe."


"I got us both our favorite salad. And by the way, my friend, Wonwoo, will come and eat with us."

"Why do we always have to eat with him?"

"He's just a friend. Tsk."

"Just a friend? Every night you would always come home in 5 in the morning."

"We just play, dri—"




"Jun, are you alive?" He asked as he waved his hand. Jun went back to reality and nodded. He ate his burger with a frown. "What's wrong?" He ask worryingly. "N-nothing."

They both ate their lunch silently. There were just looking around until Minghao noticed Jun's strange side attacked him. Jun was staring at something that the younger didn't know about. He finally looked at where his eyes were lock at and found him just staring at Mingyu and Wonwoo. Minghao's head turned back to Jun, who was still looking at the couple, and placed his hand on the older's. He flinched until he looked at the younger. "Stop thinking about him, Jun. It makes my heart hurt..." He said in his sad tone.

Jun realized how much the younger could be a great boyfriend. "Fine... but we're still going shopping, right?" He asked as he ate his burger. Minghao nodded and ate his burger too.


[After Work]

"Finally, we're done!" Minghao exclaimed. Jun smiled as he intertwined his hand onto Minghao's. He stopped cheering and just smiled back at the older. They both looked away and went inside the car. They let go their hands when they went in both sides and held them again. Minghao started the car and drove away. Jun just looked straight ahead and smiled. "You're cute when you smile." Jun admitted, but he had a feeling that he was missing something. He kept thinking until he finally got it,"You should smile much more often."

Minghao looked at him and smiled. "Do you know what makes me smile?" He asked Jun.

"What?" He asked without any hesitation.


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