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"What do you mean 'what the heck'? We need to find him!" San yelled, making the other boys still confused. "Wait wait wait, you're telling me that Mingyu—Kim Mingyu, told everyone that he's missing?" Jungkook said. San nodded and went inside his car and drove away.

"Jesus, these days Seungcheol's young brother is so stupid especially everyone." Minghao said. Jungkook looked at the younger with a confused look. "What do you mean?" He asked the Chinese. Minghao chuckled and ran towards his Jeep that was parked on the driveway.

"H-Hey! Wait up!"










Jun woke up in a strange room full of dripping noises. He also realized that there were ropes tied up on his wrists, torso, and ankle.

"Mmm!!" Jun couldn't speak because of the tape on his lips.

He started to move a bit, trying to get out until footsteps came out of nowhere. Jun looked everywhere until he saw Mingyu walking towards him with a glass of wine on his right hand.

He took a sip and drop the glass. It shattered into pieces like Mingyu's heart.

"Hey babe. Miss me? Well, of course you do, you know why?" Mingyu said in an evil tone. He removed the tape on the older's lips and kissed it. Jun tried pulling away but he couldn't. A few seconds later, Mingyu pulled away and licked his lip seductively. "You never knew how much I have suffered because of our little break up. You never knew how much I loved you. You never knew how I much tears came out. But of course, you never knew. Because, you are just a selfish rat!" He yelled.

"But, y'know, he will never find you..." Mingyu told him. Jun kept telling himself that Minghao would find him. He couldn't just believe the boy immediately, not until, he said this:

We're deep down that Minghao couldn't reach nor detect. A dark place where people can never find me. But now, you're all mine.

Jun stopped. He stopped thinking about it. Of course, it was true. No one can detect them nor hear them.

"Well, you always try but in the end, it doesn't work. Failure hits you a lot, doesn't it?"

Jun's fists clenched. He always knew that Minghao was a great boyfriend and everything but little did Mingyu know... Jun left something behind while being kidnapped.


"Argh... wher—"

"Shh babe. We're almost there..."

Jun looked around and notice what was happening.

"I-I'm being taken." He mumbled, "I need to leave something behind..."

He took out a ring of his that his parents gave him before he planned to move to Korea to study there.

"Ugh... I hope he wi—"

He immediately dozed off the sleep as soon as he dropped it somewhere so that Minghao would find it.


"San, let me drive." Minghao convinced. San shook his head and focused on the road. "Does the police know? Do they know? All of the boys? C'mon! Just say Seu—"

"Shut up will you?! And yes, they know, we know, Mingyu is trying to find him. A—"

"Just call Mingyu. If he doesn't pick up then he's the kidnapper."

"Yo! How would you know?" Jungkook yelled, scaring the boys, "You tryin' to be suspicious you know? Like you... know what Mingyu is doing. You glare at him with every single move he does. Even the unecessary moves he does. Every inhale and every exhale, every step, every blink, everything that he does is so important to you. So next time, look towards him in important times. Aka, look at him when Jun is near him."

Minghao denied all of those things and just tried to beg the boy to make him drive. San kept shaking his head until the older gave up. Minghao groaned and rested his chin on his palm that was on the arm rest.

He looked at streets and saw a ring that looked fimiliar. Minghao shrugged it off and looked away.

Stupidity might've hit Minghao.

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