Ra's Al Ghul

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His home was blown to smithereens,

by a student who'd gone sour.

He'd lost some men, a kit, a sword, 

and most of all, his power.

He laid in wait for a couple of months,

patiently biding his time.

His goal was to destroy the Bat,

who pledged his life against crime.

He hired a man to pollute the water,

with a drug that would cause fear.

Once the manor was brought to the ground,

he knew the time was near.

He hijacked a train above the streets,

heading right for Wayne Tower.

Though what he didn't know, is that,

the Bat's not one to cower.

He was awfully surprised, (couldn't believe his eyes!)

When the Bat hopped aboard.

With a clash and a bang and an old batarang,

Away that annoying bat soared,

leaving his teacher, (a curious creature), on board.

The man lay on the floor with his heart in his throat,

and slowly began to pray.

For with a screech and a scratch, and an explosion of ash,

he knew he wouldn't wake up the next day.

Ra's Al GhulWhere stories live. Discover now