T is for Trauma

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The sound of chains knocking against the floor is all that can be heard in the small hallway. A young girl dare not to say a word as guards dragged her behind them. A black mask covers the bottom half of her face. Eyes an icy blue as they dart everywhere, pinpointing every exit and strategy plan. Good sniper points and hiding places, that's what has been carved into her mind to do.




She doesn't know her name, not really. Papers say it's Elizabeth but it means nothing to her, just another word. She hasn't had her memories wiped for a while, just enough to forget anything she knew before. No memories of family or friends, as far as she knew she had no life before HYDRA.




Her mind is unsurprisingly blank as her handcuffs chip away at her skin and the metal cuffs that bind her ankles rub through her battle suit. Both pieces of hard metal are attached together by a heavy chain that connects with a hard hit to her hip bone at every step. Even with all that pain, she does not flinch or cry out, just standing with dead eyes looking into everyone's soul.




The guards stop in front of an old wooden door that hides the true horror of the room behind. Men and women young and old have made it into the room just to never come out. Each person put in the room has betrayed HYDRA one way or another. So the solution is to let loose a monster into the room with the person, have some fun with it.

Once the door is opened and she sees a man strapped to a chair with fear planted in his eyes. He already knows what is going to happen, he's seen it happen to others. His eyes widen as the handcuffs snap off her limbs. Once they are fully off, an electric collar is snapped around her neck to keep her in check. The last thing they did was take her mask off to show pale chapped lips.

Her tongue slides out of her mouth to wet her lips before she starts. As the guards leave the room, she stretches her neck until it pops. The man flinching with each one before her eyes land on him.

The girl had been prepped before they brought her to this room. They did not tell her who he is but only told her the man betrayed them and he needs to be executed. Her mission is to end his life before he does more and she always completes her missions.

She starts to circle the man with the grace of a dancer but the strength of an elephant. Her all black clothing, sharp features, brown hair, and striking blue eyes made her all the more scary. As she makes a full circle, she starts to turn into her main animal. Bones cracking and popping painfully that it even makes the man wince. It becomes the only sound besides the man's whimpering heard in the cold room.

Black fur grows on her skin as her back becomes longer, her legs and arms bend at awkward angles until they become catlike. Her face narrows and nose stretches and changes until she becomes a pitch black panther with her teeth showing and growls emitting from her throat. Her eyes still the cold blue it was before as she stops in front of him. Staring for a minute, she pounces and slashes at the man until his head lolls to the side and the life is gone from his eyes.

She collapses as electric shocks rock through her body as the collar activates. Her form changes back to human as she convulses on the damp floor. Soldiers and guards stomp in and cuff her again before turning off the shocks. They drag her up without a breather before putting on the mask again.

Blood drips from her suit as they walk, leaving a trail of crimson. She continues to walk with the same pains from before as they lead her to the 'mission' room. Another day, another assassination. They walk in and shove her into a metal chair with her restraints still on.

Screams erupt inside a small room from the young girl sitting in a metal chair. Restraints are placed on her arms to hold her down and a rubber mouthguard clamped in her mouth. Drool mixed with tears ran down her face as sharp pains erupt from the machine clamped on her head.

Lovely memories from her past are being ripped from her mind as she struggles to keep them. Doctors and scientists surround her and wince at her screams. They either feel sorry for her or want her to shut up. Though none of them dare interrupt for fear of death.

The screaming suddenly stops and the machine is retracted to see a body barely hanging on to consciousness.

"Panthera?" a guard asks.

"готов подчиниться" the girl answers back. *ready to comply*

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