XXVIII- Main Land

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While walking in the aisle, I can't help but notice some portraits on the wall.

"A family picture" I quietly murmured to myself. A father, mother and the son in between them. This is the first family picture I saw that shows unhappy faces.

"That's Marco's father and mother" I turned at my back and saw aunt Shelby who is now standing beside me.

"His father is my eldest brother, My once sweet and wonderful brother" she coldly recalls those days. I don't want to pry but its so intriguing history that I'm so convinced to stay and listen.

"May I ask if he is still alive?" She smiled sadly, oops... I asked the wrong question, she blinked in despair.

"I wish he was here, but No" she faces me bitterly, "He ends his life"

My mouth half opened in shock, No wonder Marco didn't mention anything about his parents. Are they all dead? I wanted to ask further but it won't be nice to be a busybody at first tour.

"Let's go..." Her voice sounds grieving, even she doesn't speak of it.

We passed by a coffee shop, a flower shop and a small dressing store. This places looks familiar, have I been here before? My heart is about to go out of my body and my head began to feel intense pain.

"Olivia? Are you okay?" The worried voice of Aunt Shelby who noticed my unexpected sickness.

"I just felt a sudden headache Aunt Shelby. Soon I will be okay" well that's who I am, good in lying.

She pointed a place to me that is familiar in senses as well, maybe I saw this from a movie or a picture. I nodded to her when she says something until my attention was fixed on a long wide way straight to a very huge mansion that I can only see the top design of it.

"This, this Mansion looks familiar" I quietly say. Every time I want to recall my head starts to be in pain, a sharp long pain so better not to remember whatever it is.

"Here we go, let's try the famous cookies here" the car stopped and she giggled on her way out.

"This looks familiar..." I pushed the door but blankly I entered the shop, the two men were surprised from the time I stepped into the place. One tall and a fair guy walk into the counter and shows a hospitable face to me.

"Hi, how may I help you ooool-- Miss??" Was he about to mention my name?? I fluttered but was disturbed when my phone vibrated.

"Heelllo??" My confuse state. Am I going to say hello? Or help perhaps?

"Damn Olivia! Where are you? I've been trying to reach you for a thousand times. Where are you?"

"Hi Nathe... I'm in Cordovia right now." He might be eating or drinking this time as I hear him he spat it out.

"Olivia?! What the hell are you doing there?" Sometimes I don't understand if he is my Boss or my Friend or my Boyfriend... Maybe my Father...

"I will tell you later, but Nathe can you help? I need some medicine. My head is starting to burst out the moment I look on this famiiiiillliiiaaaaarrr"

"I will go there, where are you now?" He cuts me before I finished my sentence,

"I just need medicine. Please tell what I can take, I can't ruin my tour with Aunt Shelby" I whisper quietly over the phone.

"Shelby?!!!! Shelby Silvero??!" Wait, how did he know that? What is happening here that I don't know!

"You know her??!!!" I angrily ask him. When I look up I saw the three men in the counter anxiously looking at me and eavesdropping over our conversation. But this the farthest spot for Aunt Shelby to hear so I have no choice.

"Wait for me there, what shop are you in right now?!" I look for any signage but There's no name.,

"Are you a Superman?!! will you immediately appear here?" I sarcastically ask him.

"Olivia I want to know the place! Give me the damn name now!!!" I can hear Nathaniel banging the door on the other line. Oh, My poor eardrum is so helpless with this man.

"I'm sorry, what is the name of your shop?"

The tAll guy smiled at me.

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