Chapter 1: It Started With A Lie

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Jimmy was late, no surprise there. Lates were better than absents right?

For perhaps the hundredth time, he was late.

Not that he cared though, because if there was one thing he hated with all his being, it was school. And the close second was Literature class. The third? His Literature teacher.

The exact same Lit class he had with the Lit teacher for three fucking sessions this morning. Why rush?

Groaning, he dragged his feet as he maneuvered the empty hallways, almost shuffling right pass his homeroom door.

He opened the door, steeling himself to face Mrs. Whitley's moue of disapproval, and sure enough there she was, scowling at him. But Jimmy didn't care because next to her was the most beautiful human being (at least he thought he was human) he had ever seen—and that said a lot, because Jimmy considered himself in at least the top five. He was blonde, golden, with spirals of hair falling around his shoulders, skin flawless in a way that defied the natural order. And maybe his floral blouse, silver bangles and too-tight jeans clearly spelled hippie in big bold letters, but Jimmy didn't mind, beautiful people were allowed to get away with horrible fashion choices.

"Late again, Mr. Page?" She drawled, sounding oddly pleased with herself for calling him out in front of the new kid. "You're already setting a bad example for our newest student."

"Oh no, he really has done no such thing..." The golden boy— Goldilocks— was saying, fumbling with the sleeve of his shirt. And that's when Jimmy noticed the accent. The fucking British accent. He blinked, gaping for a while longer until he noticed everyone was staring expectantly at him.

Usually, he'd regard her with a blank stare till she got annoyed and sent him to his seat, but now, Goldie was staring at him too.

"Sorry?" He tried, and Mrs. Whitley looked ready to keel over because Jimmy never apologized for being late.

"Uhm, yes of course." She stuttered, "Well, since you're already standing, I'm sure you won't mind waiting till he's through with his introduction."

If that was supposed to be his punishment, she was way off, because now, he was close enough to see the dainty curl of Goldie's lashes, the tiny freckles on his cheeks, the glossy-green of his eyes— everything about him was perfect. How was that even possible?

"Uhm, yes." Goldie chuckled nervously, "My name is Robert Plant, I just moved here from England recently." Slender fingers reached up to fumble with a lock of golden hair— a nervous tic Jimmy assumed. "I uh... I'm not really good at introductions or anything sorry..." The kid seemed to be willing the floor to swallow him whole.

Mrs. Whitley took pity—apparently she was human after all—and helped him out. "So why did you choose literature Mr. Plant?"

"Oh." He gasped, beaming at her. Jimmy had to glance away so his eyeballs weren't scalded. "I love it, it's my favorite subject, I would live in my books if it were possible. They can take you anywhere."

Oh great, he's a nerd and a hippy.

This kid was setting himself up to get bullied.

The woman looked impressed, "Ah yes, we'll get along just fine." She glanced at her students. "Well, I hope you'll all be nice to Robert and show him the ropes. Starting with you Jimmy, show him to a seat please?"

The only empty seats, the one at the back of the class next to Bonzo—which was his—and the one directly in front on it. He gestured for Goldie to follow him, sliding into him own seat and jerking his chin at the empty one before him.

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