In the beginning there was woowoo. Then from a blast of Eisenhower yellow a flower sprouted. This flower was not a flower. No it was more; much more, more than you could possibly comprehend. Thus, I shall explain it. In simple terms; the flower was a element, a composite of quarks, bits and pieces of quarks. This element however is very unstable due to its power; and many protons. When the flower that was an element that was UwU that was the power of the universe that was a flower UwU expwoded into wuwadiation and nuwucuides all came to be. This happened very slowly. It was the longest and slowest process ever till nano second after it happened. It happened within fractions of fractions of nanoseconds; but because nothing longer than that had ever happened it was the longest. Untill right after, when other stuff happened. Stuff that took longer. This was the end of the woowoo. Some modern scientist wrongly interpret this expuwuocion of everything to be the big bang. When actually it was UwU.