New comers

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"Yvonne!", I opened my eyes only to cringe at the bright light that's coming from my window, "Yvonne!", this time the voice was not my mom's, it was my friend's, Sariel.

"C'mon Yvonne, do you want to be late", she said laying herself beside me.

"Let me sleep", I turned away and curled up making myself warm.

A few seconds of silence, Sariel slid her hand on my hips, "guess I have to force you to get up".

"Tickle, tickle, tickle!", she laughed as she tickled me, "okay, okay, I'm up", I said trying to take the smile off my face.

I just realized that Sariel is wearing her graduation clothes, "today's the graduation?", I asked, "yes, are you excited?!", she squealed, "y-yeah", I stuttered nervously. "Get yourself oraganised and let's go!", she said excited.

"Sorry mom, I woke up late", I said while my mother brushed my hair and left it untied, "lucky for you Sariel came to 'wake' you up again", she said.

"Mom, I don't think I'm ready", nervously, I walked to the entrance hall with Sariel holding my hand. "Oh you'll do great, sweetheart, I had to go through this when I was your age", somehow her words calmed me down a little, "and don't worry, daddy is up there, waiting with the captains", she continued.

"Mom", I grabbed hold onto my mother's sleeve, "don't worry dear", she said brushing away a little strand of hair on my face.

"Let me put it up for you", Sariel placed the graduation cap carefully on my head, trying to not get my hair messy. "Thanks", I said, "no prob", she winked.

"Seriously where are they!", Sariel whined as she looked for the others, "guys over here!", that loud voice, "Kyle?", I turned around and saw my friends running towards the both of us.

"What took you so long, Kyle already went to the mens room three times", Dino said, "we've already been called up to the stage, only you guys are left", Jax said, "don't worry, your dad'll go with you, since my dad led me with my mom to the principal", Rion calmly said, but its not what I'm worried about, it was something else.

"Sariel Edolas", Sariel stepped up with her mom and dad on both sides and walked to the stage, recieving her certificate.

"Yvonne Violavlanca", this is it, I stepped out of the line and reunited with my mother, we both walked up to the front, when we walked passed the captains line, my father joined us. "Yvonne, your graduating now", he whispered with joy.

"Thank you", I shook the principal's hand and made my way back to the line.

"You did it!", Kyle whisered, "yeah", I said plainly.

"HAPPY GRADUATION!! We are expecting great things from you newly graduated students!", the principle shouted.

"YAY! Yvonne, we're graduated!", Sariel tackled me from behind almost making me fall over, "isn't this great! So what are you guys doing now that we're graduated?", Kyle curiously asked.

"I'm going to join the camp", Dino said, "well I guess we'll be together again, except for the girls here", Rion and the other boys turned to look at me and Sariel, "I want to be a field medic, what about you Yvonne?", she asked.

"Camp", I said, "cool, old buds together again!", Kyle said, jumping around.

I returned home only to see my parents with confetti's on their hands, "HAPPY GRADUATION!", they both shouted, "thanks mom, dad", I ran to them with arms wide open and cuddled in between my parents.

"Yvonne, I know that you want to go to camp, and I'm happy, but are you sure you want to go?", my father said, "sir", I said saluting to my dad.

"You know, that's where me and your mother met", he looked at her and smiled, "dad don't be thinking about that".

"Sweetheart, maybe you'll meet your guy there as well and you know what the next step is", my mother laughed. "No way mom! I'm only sixteen, isn't that a bit too early", I said.

We ate dinner and had some chat, I asked my dad about the camp but all he said was 'find out for yourself', I don't really know much about the training camp, but I heard that they train you to be a warrior and travel from continents to continents.

I have always wanted to travel the other four continents, it gets boring here in Nuia, I want to learn other cultures and plants that grows and animals and races in each continents. But this will take me a long time to travel the whole world.

"Well I'll be sleeping now, big day tomorrow", I headed upstairs and to my room, closing the door, something caught my eye, the picture of me and my friends when we were young.

"How many years has it been?", I asked myself.

"Yvonne, wake up", a gentle whisper tickled my ear, "stop it", I opened my eyes and Sariel was there leaning her forehead on mine.

"Morning early bird", I said, "recruitment time, the boys are downstairs with your parents", she dragged me to the shower room and stepped outside to let me be.

As we both went downstairs my mom was asking the boys wierd things like 'do you like my daughter', 'what do you think of her'.

"Mom!", I interrupted her, "umm,I'm going now", I said picking up my luggage, "be careful out there, my little soldier", my father patted my head, "be careful now, I'm going to miss you", mom cried and I had to try and comfort her.

"I'll be okay, see you!", with that I turned around and walked side by side with my best buds.

"Your mother has changed quite a lot in two years", Jax smiled, "she asks so much weird questions like 'don't you think my daughter is pretty'", my eyes widened by what Kyle said, "she asked you that?!".

Walking to the city hall, there were actually many people who wants to join.

We sat on chairs to listen to an old man somewhere around his 50s, he had bushy eyebrows and wrinkly face.

"Okay, gentlemen and ladies, I am Captain Gragas and I will be your mentor for the whole day. Today you will start your lives as cadets. No worries, when you are fully trained, your ranks will go up, hopefully".

"Now if you please, follow me to the ship".

Me and Sariel walked in front of the boys, while some of the new recruits walked in front of us.

"I can't wait to get to camp!", Sariel whooped, the boys just stayed calm and chatted the whole way.

"Here we are, Merry Weather, a fine ship she is, able to cross the sea in horrible weather".

"This ship is huge!", Kyle started to wonder around the deck, "I hope this ship has nice bedrooms for all of us", Jax dropped his bag on the floor and looked back to the city.

I found myself a nice comfortable space where I sat and enjoyed the view of the crytal blue sea.

Only Elves and Nuians on the ship, it would be better if there are other races on.

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