It's Over...

271 14 4

Song: Regret
   By: Lucas King



Pain burned within me that I could barely move. I felt like I was stiff as a board without the power in me to even break free. A groan escaped when I moved my hand to rub a headache. With eyes clenched, I forced myself to sit up from what must be the ground. My headache didn't leave, and I was afraid it wasn't going away for some time after my little stunt. I actually brought not only Future Rogue down, but a Dragon along with him.

My eyes eventually stopped clenching in pain, when I now could freely open them without force. Wherever we landed, it was eradicated because of the Dragon landing not so gracefully. Everything was destroyed, and if someone was standing where we hit, I doubt they've survived. My joints were sore, as were my muscles. They felt restraint from stress and burnout of using so much magic. I rubbed my eyes to relax, as it did very little to help me. Did I kill Future Rogue? Is he no longer a menace to Lucy's life?

Smoke clouded my vision when a cough escaped me. The ash made me choke up as I continued to cough out my lungs. Soot rained down from the sky like snow while bringing the stench of smog with it. Everything still hurts inside me, but my mission wasn't done until I know Future Rogue is gone. With difficulty, I moved myself to stand on my feet, almost losing balance. A gasp escaped me when I held my head from the immense pain waving off. This is one bad headache that I actually may have to see Wendy after this is over with. My jaw clenched in frustration. "Rogue!" I roared as my voice echoed throughout the ruins. My arm wiped away the sweat from my face as I hunched over in agony. Again, I called out my enemy's name. "ROGUE!" No one answered, as I expected. My eyes scrunched in anger because not only did I lose sight of Rogue, I don't know if he even survived the fall. I can't walk away until I know for sure. With exhaustion, I took my first step.

I quietly searched around the Dragon and deserted buildings to see if Rogue was anywhere to be found. If I'm in bad shape after that fall then there's no way he could easily walk this off. My hand placed itself over my muffler for a sense of comfort. It was the only way I could think straight so I don't totally blackout to try and find Future Rogue. I have to get back to Lucy as fast as possible. The search continued for a few more minutes until I heard something. It was the sound of a faint cough nearby. Rogue was still here, and alive.

Now I could finish him off.

I made sure my presence was noticed. I wanted him to tremble the moment he saw me. I wanted Rogue to fear for his life. When I passed around the corner, I audibly inhaled at the sight. Future Rogue was sitting while lying back against the arm of the Dragon. He was surrounded by his own blood, weakly coughing every now an then as a large wound was bleeding out his abdomen. Rogue looked up at me, his eyes filled with grief. "I failed. I failed in trying to stop the future you and I lived." I could only stand and watch as he suffered. Rogue looked up at the cloudy night sky, his hands holding the wound from bleeding any more. "I know you will never wish to believe why I did this was for the greater good, but my intentions were only to stop her from hurting the people I love. I did all of this, so I could save the future! The Future Natsu came back to warn you and all the other Fairy Tail members. Stop me from killing her so they can all die in the end...what a joke."

"It isn't a joke! You were willing to take Lucy's life! You could have done anything else other than this! You could have spoken to her if you really think she's the one to destroy EarthLand!" I screamed while holding myself up. I heaved, filled with rage of how he could do this. "I was supposed to take her life to save the Five Realms! But I didn't, because I believed she was still a good person! I believed with all my heart that she would come back to me! Do you even know what she did?! DO YOU!?" Rogue only stared at me with an emotionless expression. I wiped my nose from the ash. "She killed herself! Lucy took her own life just so everyone could continue to live! She brought everyone she killed back from the dead...and you really think, that she would just turn around like that and kill everyone?" Rogue snapped when he pointed at me. "That monster loses it because she witnessed her comrade's death, idiot!"

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