Time to go Home

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The final chapter of The Dragon. I hope you all enjoy.❤️

Song: Guinevere's Song
By: Andrew Haym & Morten Malvik



Natsu and I stood together as we held hands on the balcony. It's been a few days since he has finally woken up from slumber. Natsu no longer had any broken bones or burns on his chest. In fact, Natsu seemed to have grown stronger. It could possibly be because of our Connection, but I have not told him about it. My soulmate has been patient for me to tell him how I saved him. I wanted to tell Natsu the truth so badly, but how would he even react? I was terrified Natsu would leave me, or worse...accept he is immortal. I haven't told Natsu anything about what has happened.

Just like everyone else, excluding Gray, Natsu was in the dark of discovering the truth.

"Hey Natsu," I began when our eyes met. "I'm ready to tell you how I saved you from the fire." Natsu's eyes widened when he childishly smiled. We both moved back inside from the balcony and sat on the bed. "Tell me everything, Luce. I want to know." Natsu deserved to know everything, however, I couldn't tell him the entire truth. I simply nodded as I sighed. "As you know, Gwen passed away." Natsu's eyes fell as he nodded. "When Gwen died, she passed Solantir to my soul. If Gwen didn't give me Solantir, I would have been a Half-Soul once again. The reason why Gwen and I were so close is that our souls we're intertwined. She gave me a piece of her soul to fix mine. And when she left us, she took back the soul she gave me to move on but replaced that with Solantir."

"So, you hold Solantir now. Does that mean you're a Dragon Slayer now?" I thought about it for a moment and shrugged in response. "I honestly don't know. Gwen never used Dragon Slayer Magic, and for a good reason to. Solantir's flames are deadly. And once you're touched by his white fire it burns your soul for eternity. That's what happened to you Natsu. Thankfully, you grew strong enough to extinguish the flames because you thought I was going to be harmed by it. But in reality, I wasn't in any danger, to begin with." Natsu crossed his arms in concentration. "That does make sense. It would be best if you never use Solantir's magic either Lucy. I can tell firsthand no one would wish to be put through that. I wouldn't wish it upon my greatest enemy."

My hand placed itself on Natsu's bicep as I leaned into him. Natsu opened his arms pulling me into his chest as we hugged tightly. My eyes were closed as I felt pure bliss at that moment. Natsu leaned our bodies and lied us down on the bed. "That's what happened. We can thank Solantir for helping us get you back." I felt Natsu's grip tightened. "What doesn't make sense is how were you able to cross to my spirit." I felt my heart fall. Natsu easily caught my secret without realizing it. What I only hoped was that he wouldn't push too far for answers from me. "Well, Solantir is a Spirit Dragon. Maybe he helped me cross over to save you." Natsu caressed my shoulder blade while we cuddled into the pillows for comfort. "Yeah. You're right. I don't even know why I'm thinking about it!" Natsu chuckled using his other hand to gently turn my face to his. "All that matters is I'm back, and that I won't ever be leaving you again." Before I could reply Natsu pulled my face into his as our lips sealed together. Our kiss lasted moments when we parted to gaze into each other's eyes.

'I love her so much...'

My smile dropped. I heard Natsu, but he didn't talk at all. His smile disappeared when his eyes became anxious towards me. "Are you okay Lucy?" I didn't even give attention to Natsu at the moment. Gwen and I were able to communicate with each other because of how close we were, but I was never able to hear her thoughts. Is it because Natsu and I are so close that I can actually feel what he thinks at certain moments. When I heard his thought, I was overwhelmed with warmth and prosperity for mere seconds. I was overjoyed to now know how much Natsu loves me. His love for me knows no boundaries as he is willing to do anything to protect me. I've never felt so safe as I do now. My imagination started to show me and Natsu in the future, the two of us newlyweds as I held a child in my arms. We had a big house in the forest close to Fairy Tail, and every day we would go on adventures never fearing anything. Until I remembered we were both immortal.

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