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Author Pov
"Mr.Bang Sihyuk is blamed for the murder of the famous politician Kim Jinghao by the chief of police,Mr.Choi."The reporter said aloud in front of the camera.

"The court's next hearing will be in 18 February for the murder case of Kim Jinghao.Till then Mr.Bang Sihyuk will be under Police custody."The Judge ordered in the high court.

Mr.Bang Sihyuk Pov
"Why the f*** is that Bastard Choi so honest!!"I shouted inside the jail."Sir,I tried to buy him but..."My lawyer said and shooked his head.
I clenched my teeth out of anger then suddenly a fantastic idea hit my head."If his honesty can't be bought then it can be snatched..."I said and smirked.

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