Friendship bracelets are SUPER cute and make a fun activity to do with your squad at a sleepover ~ Friendship bracelets, handmade are from colorful threads of your choice,and a classic token of friendship. You can give them to a friend, boyfriend, family member or keep them to spice up your collection or hydro flask. If your friendship bracelet-making skills are pretty good, you could even sell a few!
Friendship bracelets are a great craft that you can take anywhere! As a bonus, I feel like learning how to make a friendship bracelet is one of those rites of passage you always do at summer camp, sleepovers or with your friends in general. :D
Once you're comfortable making traditional chevron friendship bracelets, try a beaded type which is adjustable!! I left a tutorial below to check out ~ super easy to follow and they take 30mins or under to make
If you're inspired to sell some bracelets, a rough price range is between $1-3 for just threaded, and custom beaded would be around $2-5! The best option is to sell them on Ebay, school, Etsy, Depop or even going to the markets ( if you have any local markets around you) :))) If you wanted to earn more money, doing a custom bracelet pack or selling multiples is your best option ~
Another style of friendship bracelet which is unique is another beaded type, this style is quite cool and you see heaps of VSCO girls wearing these layered on their wrists or ankles
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Random~ This is my ultimate guide on everything you need to be VSCO or as some would say 'basic' ~ I think its a cute way of dressing and having a guide will make it easier for you to be one :)) definition of vsco girl ⬇ ➳ a vsco girl is a very aesthetica...