The Multiversal Multiverse

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Hi, I'm Stephen.

You may remember me from such hit classics as, "Stephen Tips For Romance" or even, "The Importance of Saving Our Conversations".

Now you may be wondering about what will I be talking about this time? (if you are wondering that, did you even look at what you were reading?)

Well my dear fellow acquaintances, I will be talking about, THE MULTIVERSE!

Now you may be thinking, "Stephen, what is the multiverse?"

Well you see, Bob, the multiverse is the idea of there being multiple different universes with unlimited possibilities.

For example, in this universe I like to write the stupidest things ever, but In another universe I might be a tree climber. You never know what to expect from the multiverse.

Personally, I've always loved the idea of the multiverse, because I always like to wonder how my life would be different if one little thing changed.

For example, what if I went to a different school? Or what if I had never met certain people?

It has always fascinated me, and I've always wanted to know the answer, but we can never know. We can only ever imagine what would be different,

I've always wanted to travel to a different universe and see how my life would be if something else happened (I've also always loved the idea of grabbing an army of Stephens).

So yeah, the multiverse is pretty awesome, and the things I would do with an army of me is just unimaginable. I would probably try to take over the world, to be honest.

There could be some universes where bad things happened and it's just a dystopia, or maybe it was taken over by an army of evil Stephens.

Either way, you can never know, since there are infinite possibilities with the multiverse.

The real question is, if we could travel to other universes, how would we get there? The answer is quite simple to be honest, I have no idea.

In all seriousness (there is never seriousness) I would love to travel to other worlds, and maybe even live my doppelgängers life for a little bit, just to see what it's like. Everything would be different, and it would be fun to look at all of the differences and stuff.

Another good question is if the multiverse is a real thing? And well, we don't know, and I don't think we will ever know, to be honest.

It all sounds wayyyyy too complicated, but again, it is still fun to think about.

Imagine going to a different world and causing havoc, and then going back to your world. It would be sooooo much fun, and you wouldn't even get the blame.

Even just talking to your doppelgänger and learning all of the differences would be so much fun to me.

This is why I love the idea of the multiverse, and why I will always see it as a great thing that I want to explore.

Anyways, now that I've magically got this story to over 500 words, I think this is where I peace out, since, like, 500 is a big number.

Like, Jesus, it would take like 500 seconds just to count to 500, and that sounds like a lot of effort.

Who knows, maybe in the multiverse it's easier to count to 500, but like, I guess we'll never know.

Anyways, I have been your host, Stephen the Multiverse Enthusiast Extraordinaire, and I will be dragging this out to get this to 600 words.

I am now peacing out for real, toodles.

Extra words to reach 600 words.

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