Chapter 16

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Diggy- *looks at the ceiling* Shit… *gets out the bed* *pulls on his clothes*

Why did I do that? Whydid I do that? I’m not a cheater.. so why did I cheat? On my girl? With another girl who is so beautiful but doesn’t give a shit about me? What am I doing? I’m so confused and i can’t be doing this.. I feel like I’m sneaking around and doing no good and I can’t be…

Diggy- *looks in his pockets* Where’s my keys? Fuck… *puts his jacket on* *walks downstairs* *sits on couch*

*door opens*

Diggy- *looks at the door*

Rev/James- *walk in*

Rev- Hey Dig…

Diggy- *smiles a little* Hey..

James- You weren’t bored here? Sienna kept you company?

Diggy- Um.. yeah she did..

James- Where is she?

Diggy- She went out somewh—

Sienna- *comes through the door* Oh hey daddy *smiles*

James- *looks at her* Where were you?

Sienna- I went to see a friend.. I didn’t leave you bored here did I Diggy?

Diggy- No you didn’t.. *looks away*

Rev- We should be out..

Diggy- I can’t find my keys.. I tried looking everywhere.

Sienna- Oh here.. *takes them out* I accidentally took them with me. I don’t know how they ended up in my purse…

Diggy- *takes them* Thanks.. *looks at her suspiciously*

Rev- *claps his hands* Well we should be off then.. *shakes James’s hand* It was lovely meeting you and your daughter, shame about the wife…

James- Yeah, she’s just handling some business at the moment

Diggy- *to James* Thanks for today, your home is really nice..

James- *shakes his hand* Thanks, it was great to meet you. You’re a wonderful example of a young man. I just hope my daughter gets a guy equally as good as you…

Sienna- Oh daddy.. *smirks at Diggy*

Diggy- *nods a little* Yeah…


*an hour later*

I sat naked in the bed for ages, just thinking and crying and thinking and crying more. How could I do that… why would I let her let me do that?! I’m not a lesbian… I’m madly in love with my boyfriend.. Why did i even go that far with Sienna, I barely know her.

All she had was a pretty face. Other than that, I don’t know about her, but why did I sleep with her? I want to tell Diggy, but what would I say? Oh I slept with your friend I knew for a month… yeah that’d be a great idea…

*door unlocks and opens*

Y/N- *looks at the door*

Diggy- *calls* Y/N?

Y/N- I’m in the bedroom…

Diggy- *walks in* Why are you in bed… and what happened in here?

Y/N- I… I was trying to be romantic for you but you were still out

Diggy- *smiles a little* Oh, thanks babe..  I’m sorry about that

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