Just a Dream (short story :COMPLETED)

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Just a Dream

"UGH!!! No, no, nooooo! Wait up!!" I shrieked, waved my flailing

arms back and forth, and lugged my gigantic and abundant backpack on my

aching back. I hurriedly ran to the stooping bus, that goes way faster then

it looked. Dragging the ridiculously tired things that I call legs up the

steep stairs, I breathed out,

"R.S.M. Intermediate, please!" Now, why was I already running

like the wind at eight AM in the morning? It wasn't my fault, my stinky,

dysfunctional alarm clock isn't good at its job, and woke me up 40 minutes

late! PLUS, being the "goody-two-shoes" that I am, I cannot miss my math

test!! It's the last of the year, and it's my final grade! Yikes!! After

combining the drool out of my hair, throwing clothes everywhere, and

stuffing soggy cereal into my mouth, I ran to the nearest bus I saw. And

here we are now.

I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, the

overweight, sweaty mess of a driver screeched,

"LAST STOP!!!" His scratchy voice stank of cigarettes....ewww,"


"Sigh...," I shook sleep from my head, and stood up, wobbling. I

blinked back and forth as I woozily walked through the broken doors. I

widened my eyes. Oh. My.*BEEP*. I don't think I'm in Rancho Santa Margarita

anymore. In fact, the place that I was at was far from looking like ordinary

old R.S.M. Warm, orangey glow shining brightly on my skin, as the salt from

the luscious blue-green, great waters danced across my cheek. Delicious,

fresh crisp smell of warm apple cider and sharp cinnamon wavered in and out

of my nose.

"Mmm...," I murmured forlornly, the bright sun seemed to flicker

on and off my sleep-tousled hair, "This definitely isn't school." With the

mention of school, a memory of the major test popped into my mind,

" Oh NO!!!!" I turned around to see the crappy bus gone!! What

in the freaking world?!? I started running all over the place; again,

trying to find a bus, bicycle, plain, train, tricycle, ANYTHING to help me

get back home to my school, with worry straight on my face as new salty

tears flowed over the dry ones. I ran place to place, perfect palm tree to

another perfect palm tree. Sweat covered me head to toe, as I panted like a

retriever, tongue sticking out of my chapped lips and everything. Nervously

licking those same lips, I slowly dragged myself on the pristine floor. I

miss school. I mean, sure I liked this place, perfect in every way, but

seriously? R.S.M is where I belong! On the other hand, there's the test too.

Another thing, everyone here smiles way too much! Everywhere I turn, the

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