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It was a peaceful day as figures littered about on the streets with lush green grasses and tall perfect buildings towering over smaller objects, trees stuck pitch with makeshift leaves. Nothing much more beautiful than a peaceful environment.
But not long after, not to anyone's imagination that an enormous white paw smashed a few of them and tumbled a few more surrounding buildings!
White fur sticking out on the sky as it shadows over the once peaceful figures, menacing green eyes dart to and fro among them.
Sharp teeth formed into a grin, laughing evilly.

Bwahahaha die mortals!

A booming shrill voice was heard as the paws began to swat objects around, stomping and breaking them apart.
This was the fun that a villain would die for, the pleasure of destroying things especially when serene— but it was short lived. When large hands began to grasp the tiny white furry, as the little cat realized that the ground has left, its stomach began to churn up which caused the cat to wriggle aggressively.

"Veida! What are doing with my project?!" says the owner of the hands.

Without the support for balance, the cat became frantic, overcame by unsteadiness, she swung her tiny arms around scratching the human hands in the process and causing the person to let go.
With fast reflexes, the magnificent cat landed on her feet with a quite thump.
Upon recovering from the mini exhibition, Vieda, the light green eyed cat with cloud white fur glared daggers and hissed at the human responsible for ruining her maleficent moment.

"Oh, so now you're giving me that look", the human, with brunette head said getting upset, "be thankful I'm a compassionate guy or else I would have not taken you in", he said sulking.

Ah guilt tripping, no worry ugly mortal I don't do that(your tricks).

Turning her back, Veida softly walk away with grace, chin high and snubbing.

Realization dawn on him and instantly regretted his words, from the angered look, his face begun to soften, head bent down, defeated.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that", bending over and crossed his legs, arms resting on his knees.

Veida, still in her snobbish state did not respond as she felt like punishing the ugly mortal– as what she would mentally call him.

"You're not that mad right? "


He then proceeded on leaning to the side trying to get a glimpse of her face, "You see people get angry, but sometimes they do not really mean what they said".

Seeing a glimpse of his hair and pleading eyes, the furry tsked inwardly and responded with her back showing once more to this human.

He then leaned the other side but was blocked once again,  then again until his patience snapped, feeling aggravated he snapped,"That's it, you little—".
And so he lunged toward Veida who, in not much reaction time was caught.

Grunts and hisses echoed across the house,  reverberating through doors as two of the guy's siblings were peacefully lounging on the sofa watching their favorite show with their baby sister sleeping between them.
"They're at it again", the kid with the bowl head said.

"Shh... Pretend they don't exist", said the other with a long pink dyed hair and smokey eyeshadow.

The kid shrugged in agreement and continued to caress his little sister's hair.

"GUYS! ", a loud voice shocked both of the peaceful siblings and awoken the baby. "Look!  Me and Veida made up! ", the older brother said in ecstasy as he held the exhausted cat up like a trophy.

The little white furry regained her strength and upon feeling manhandled she instinctively bit the guy's hand making him let go of her and run off from sight.

Mending to his now injured hand, which look bloody by this time. "She hates me now", he sobbed(well not likely).

"I wouldn't say that but after forcing her,  I guess there's zero hope for you", the pink haired commented.

"What?! "

"She's going to resent you forever", the younger kid joined.

"Nooooooooooooooo... "

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