Chapter 3

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The next couple of days continued to be torture. On day three Betty wore a yellow two-piece set that showed off her stomach and a pair of black heels she swears she's seen Veronica wear before. It wasn't anything too crazy it was long-sleeved, the skirt was an appropriate length and it didn't show off her breasts but it was tight and Cheryl spent most of the day staring at that strip of skin just above Betty's belly button.

Day four Betty finally wasn't wearing a skirt of some sort but that didn't stop Cheryl from dying inside. Skintight black pants and a low cut see-through pink top. This time the bra she saw was black. Cheryl wasn't sure how much more she could take.

Day five, Friday, Cheryl lost it. Another impossibly short skirt that gave Cheryl a flash of white lace every time Betty bent over or got out of her chair. Cheryl wanted that white lace between her teeth and she couldn't handle the thought of that during school hours. She had to hit Betty where it hurt to get her to stop.

The halls were practically empty. It was after school so the only people left around were those in clubs or sports. Cheryl knew Betty would be leaving the blue and gold to get her stuff for Vixens practice so she waited at the end of the hall for Betty to finally show up to her locker.

The click of heels echoed loudly through the halls. Soon enough Cheryl was at Betty's side. "Okay Cooper, this is getting pathetic." Cheryl crossed her arms as Betty turned to look at her.

"What is?" Betty asked innocently.

"This." Cheryl swept her arms up and down Betty's body. "This look change I mean if Andrews hasn't noticed you yet it's just not worth it, he's never gonna notice you. Not to mention if he doesn't like you in your normal clothes he's not worth your time of day." Cheryl had somehow turned her insult into something nice.

"Well, Cheryl thanks but I think you have the wrong redhead," Betty said as she closed her locker.

"No, I don't think I do, considering the only other redhead in this town is dead and buried and I should know he was my brother."

"Oh, Cheryl." Betty put her hand on Cheryl's shoulder before walking away towards the locker rooms.

Oh... Oh. Oh my god! She can't mean- I mean she straight- she can't- Oh my god! No.


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