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The sun glowing from the cloudy window was making Sicheng to open his eyes, once he realized that he's awake he wished that it didn't happen right now.

Sicheng took a deep breathe, he wanted to stretch his arms but something stopped him. The boy looked up, seeing Yuta's sleeping face so close to himself. The boy was between his arms.

He smiled softly, wish if he could continue on laying there and sleeping again.

Both were naked, lying on the sofa as they were hugging eachother. Feeling Yuta's skin on his own, hearing his light breathing and heartbeat, smelling his cold perfume. Drawing Yuta's whole existence on his own. This was too lovely.

Sicheng removed Yuta's arms from his body carefully. As he pulled himself a bit higher so he could see Yuta's face better.

Resting his head on his hand, the boy smiled wider as he could see that charming face. Sun was making Yuta's wavy hair strings to glitter like gold, his skin was brighter, eyes closed showing his pretty shiny lashes as his swollen lips were slightly open. Sleeping like an innocent child.

That manly and beautiful face of him, those soft lips that Sicheng wanted to kiss them as much as he could, those fiery eyes that Sicheng wanted their gaze to be only on himself. His soft sweet voice that called Sicheng's name in the most beautiful way like a love song. Those warm hands that Sicheng wanted to be caressed by them all the time. Even though he pretend as if he doesn't like it.

Yuta was a charming fire that rain wants to be burnt in it without turning it off.

Something was becoming empty in Sicheng's chest. Caressing Yuta's cheek; maybe it was right. If the rain wants to pour on fire it will shut it down, if the girl continued on loving the flower she would make it die. Loving Sicheng was nothing but a pain making Yuta to suffer.

It hurted Sicheng too, it hurted how Yuta would never care about himself. How he's always smiling, how Sicheng's condition is his priority.

He knew that no matter how much tears Yuta would shed; he'll hide them all then come for Sicheng with no pride.

Sicheng leaned towards him, kissing Yuta's lips softly. Though his lips were begging for more but the boy pulled back.

He sat on the sofa, taking out his phone from the backpack which was on the floor. He turned on the phone.

20 missed calls from ♡dad♡

Sicheng sighed heavily, but it couldn't take the pain in his chest away. He didn't go to their house last night. How would his father react? The man who can't resist even a single second without his son.

It was ridiculous, his father was always reminding him that it's okay to talk to the people but not get close to them so much.

But here was Sicheng who just had sex with someone that he guesses that he...likes?

The boy hated himself, for not being a good son for his father, for how Yuta would say that he loves him recklessly yet Sicheng was too afraid to even admit his own feelings.

He leaned down, putting back his phone in the backpack. As Sicheng sat back on the sofa, suddenly he faced Yuta's shiny eyes glancing at him.

Sicheng smiled. "Good morning"

Yuta smirked, grabbing Sicheng's arm as he pulled the boy on himself so suddenly making Sicheng shock.

Before the poor boy could do anything, Yuta's lips were on his own. Sicheng couldn't do anything but closing his eyes and kissing Yuta. His whole body was numb whenever Yuta was kissing him.

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