Socializing skills

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On the supreme kai's world in the seventh universe, supreme kai was talking to his elder about his social skills. He knew he needed more help in that department so he thought the best way to learn is to ask his elder.

Shin was standing infront of the elder kai with kibito by his side. They both looked at the elder kai.

"Alright boy, You should have been gotten through this already. Socializing with other people isn't really that hard. All your doing is talking about the subject at hand."

The elder kai explained while sitting down on the ground with his legs folded. He summoned a magazine.

Kibito sighed and noticed that magazine but he didn't say anything about it.

"Elder kai, are you not going to help supreme kai with speaking correctly?" Kibito ask in hopes of helping his superior reach his goal in socializing with others.

"No, Kibito. I'm not. He needs to learn on his own."

Elder kai opened the magazine and smiled at all the girls.

"Now make yourself useful and go make me some tea. No honey this time. You pour to much."

"Yes, Elder kai..." Kibito looked to shin as to apologize but walked away to make the elder his tea.

Shin sighed and also sat down. He rubbed his arm.

"B-But I'm terrible at making conversation, Elder. I just need some guidance-"

"To bad~" Elder kai nose bleed to all the naked women in the magazine. He wolf whistles.

Shin looked to his elder that was all focused on the magazine. He turned away and sighed.


Shin got up and walked away, leaving the elder to his dirty magazine. Shin walked to the tall trees ahead and made his way through. He sighed.

"How can I do this? I'm hopeless. I'm so pathetic even my own elder won't help nor listen to me. But then again, he's always been like that."

The trees slowly rustled in the wind until..

"Maybe I can help you with your problem, Young kai."

"Huh? Who's there? Someone can actually help me?"

Supreme kai turned around and faced the person that was speaking to him.


Me:👀 Who is it that can help, shin? Let's find out! Go on to the next page, Reader-chan/kun!!

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