Meeting The Daishinkan

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Shin ran back to the two kai's with a cheery voice speaking out into the distance.

"Ancestor, Kibito, You won't believe what I'm about to tell you!" Shin said with a smile.

Both kibito and the older Kai looked to the young Kai. Kibito began to speak. "What's the news, sir?" "Out with it boy!" The elder Kai said impatiently to the younger Kai. Shin began speaking.

"While I was walking, The grand priest came to visit me. He told me he'll be able to help me with my way of speech! I'm not joking!"

The elder Kai began to think this over. He was abit confused to why the grand priest would suddenly want to teach a mere Kai how to speak during a conversation properly. He grew suspicious. "You better be careful, boy. I feel there's a catch to all of this-" The elder Kai got cut off my Kibito. "That's good news, sir!" The elder Kai glared at Kibito for cutting him off in which shin didn't listen to what the elder Kai was beginning to warn him of. "Thank you, Kibito. Well, wish me luck!"

In teleported to the Omni king's palace even though he was abit nervous. The elder Kai whispered to Kibito. "Interrupt me again and suffer the consequences.." Kibito sweat dropped and bowed. "Sorry, sir. I was excited for him!" Elder Kai just sat back down and went back to reading his dirty magazines. "Hmfp, now I can't even enjoy this anymore!"

Arriving at the Omni king's palace, shin awaited the grand priest at the doors getting nervous by each second that passes by. He then looked up at the doors that soon opened with a loud and eerie "creeeeeeek" There stood the grand priest in all his glory. He looked down at the young Kai and smiled staring at his figure. Shin could have sworn he saw the grand priest lick his lips but he simply brushed it off.

"Now then, come inside, young Kai and let's begin~" The Grand Priest said soothingly towards the young Kai. Shin smiled abit and nodded. "Y-Yes, Sir." Shin stared nervously. But deep down his stomach was giving him a feeling. A type of feeling warning him to watch his back around the grand priest dispite knowing he can't defend himself to one of the most powerful fighters.

Shin flew up towards the double doors of the palace as daishinkan watched him with staring eyes. He then began walking inside beside the daishinkan as the doors slammed shut causing shin to flinch abit not knowing the worse for the Kai was to come soon enough. Daishinkan smiles an eerie smile while slowly guiding the young Kai down the silent halls.

To be continued.


Me: ouuuu~ what will happen next? The next chapter will be much more interesting, I promise. 😉 Now, Stay with me for more~!!

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