Time to think

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It had been around an hour since Cat Noir left his bedroom but he needed time to think. He had now safely landed on the rooftop where he had planned a surprise for ladybug a few months ago and where she told him she loved another boy. He came here because he thought it was a good place to think. He dreaded the thought of returning home but he knew he'd eventually have to face his father and risk loosing his ring or his freedom. Both were so dear to him and he couldn't bear the thought of loosing one. He desperately wished he didn't have to choose but he knew that wasn't going to happen. He leaned on the balcony looking into the distance when he spotted a familiar blue haired girl leaning over a balcony a few feet away  "Marinette," he thought to himself instantly recognising her. Marinette was very dear to Adrien and he felt like he could talk to her about anything so without thinking he made a leap for her balcony trying his best not to be seen.

Marinette was leaning over her balcony thinking about her relationship with Adrien. She was very grateful to have him as a friend but she desperately wishes they could become more but her shyness always lets her down. She was so lost in thought that she didn't hear or see and familiar black cat approaching her balcony "good evening," came a familiar voice behind her startling her from her fantasy. She turned round to see the dark superhero sitting on her rooftop "Cat Noir?" She replied stunned to see her life long friend
"I'm sorry," he said looking down "I'm sorry if I scared you, I didn't mean to."
"You didn't," she blurted out in an attempt to reassure him "I was lost in thought it's my fault! Erm what are you doing here? Is there an akuma? Are you trying to save someone?"
Hearing that last question fall from Marinette's lips broke something inside of him and he just knew he couldn't hide the truth from her.
"No," he answered looking down, "in fact I may never be able to save anyone again."
"Wait what?" Marinette replies overwhelmed by what she'd just heard, "what do you mean?"
He sighes but doesn't answer. "I-I'm sorry," she says looking down, "I didn't mean to..."
"It's ok," he cuts her off, "it's my father he-he found out my identity!" He leans over the balcony and confessed everything to Marinette about his father remaining cautious of his secret identity. Marinette was honestly speechless. She didn't know what to say to comfort her friend. She was so afraid of loosing her partner for good that she didn't know what advice to give him. But his situation seemed oddly familiar. "Y-you remind me of someone I know," she eventually uttered trying to diffuse the tension, "he's a model with a very cold father who barely spends time with him and rarely lets him hang out with us."
"Oh, is he a friend of yours?" Cat Noir asked knowing full well who she was talking about. "I'd like to think we are but I don't know," she admitted looking down, "I feel like I can't talk with him like I can everyone else because I can't even form a normal sentence around him." It was then she realised what question would soon be following so she decided to change the subject not wanting to admit her secret crush. "So what are you going to do?" She asked him with concern. He didn't answer for a minute or so and Marinette was about to withdraw her question when he reached out and took hold of her hand. "I-I don't know, I value both my freedom and my superhero life I don't want to loose one," he sobbed squeezing her hand tighter. "I'm sorry for asking," Marinette said regretting her question. "I just -I just don't know what to do," Cat Noir cried letting got of her hand to cover his eyes with his hands. It was at this moment Marinette looked up at him and noticed the tears gathering in his eyes. This was her undoing and she pulled him into a bone crushing hug. Cat Noir was surprised by the sudden embrace but returned the hug, searching and finding comfort in her embrace as he sobbed on her shoulder. There wasn't even room for the moonlight to shine between them as they hugged tighter and tighter. Neither of them wanting to let go, until marinette suddenly looked up. "I think I might have an idea," she whispered excitedly breaking the hug. "What?" He asked hopefully
"Your father only said you had to hand your ring over right?"
"Follow me."
Marinette started walking up to her trap door into her room and beckoned him to follow her...
Cat Noir stared at Marinette blankly as she started taking out material and supplies. She took his hand which had his ring on and placed it on her desk and began inspecting his ring and taking photos on her phone. "Erm May I ask, what exactly are you doing?" He asked her puzzled. "I thought it was obvious," she replied not looking up from her desk except to look at the photos she took. "You can sit down if you'd like you don't have to stand up, I won't be long." With that he slowly edged towards her chaise and awkwardly sat down not knowing what to do with himself and not wanting to distract his busy friend. Around 5 minutes later, Marinette got up from her desk and walked towards her chaise to sit next to Cat Noir. She opened her hand to reveal an exact replica of his own ring. "Oh Marinette," He said in awe as she took his hand in hers and placed the ring in his palm not letting go of his hand. "Your father said you had to hand your ring over," she explained, "so if we're lucky you can give him this one and still continue being a superhero!"
"Do you think he'll fall for it?" He asked nervously.
"We can only hope!" She answered diffusing the fear that was building up inside him.
"Thankyou Marinette," He said softly, "you've helped me more then anyone." And with that he wrapped his arms snugly around her waist. Suddenly, a voice came from the other side of mari's trap door, startling the pair. "Marinette!" The voice shouted, "is everything ok? I heard noises."
"Yeah everything's fine dad," she answered while covering cat noirs mouth with her hand, "I'm just going to sleep."
"Ok, I won't disturb you further good night," he answered before going back downstairs. Marinette listened to his footsteps disappear before taking her hand off cat noirs mouth. "Sorry," she said nervously looking down, "I panicked!"
"It's ok," he replied, "I think that's my cue to leave, it's been an honour Marinette but I'd hate to keep you up all night."
"Wait," she abruptly uttered, "I'll see you out."
Cat noir replied by giving her a quick nod and taking that as her cue she led him up the ladders and to her balcony edge. "Are you going to be ok?" She asked quietly. He didn't know how to reply. He didn't want to lie to her by pretending everything was going to be ok but he also didn't want to worry her. "I don't know," he replied. That was the truth!
"Promise me that nothing will happen to you," she demanded looking into his eyes, "promise me you won't get akumatized." He looked into her eyes and could see how worried she was for him. He didn't want to make that promise! He generally didn't know what was going to happen or weather he'd be able to keep that promise. "I'm not going to make a promise I can't keep," he uttered as he watched her face fall, "but I can promise that if I do, I will do whatever I can to fight it." A smile crawled on Marinette's face. "That's good enough for me," she laughed. "Well, I should really get going," he said flashing her a huge smile, "thanks again Marinette, I really do appreciate what you did for me." And with that he lept off her balcony and disappeared into the night. "I really hope this will work tikki," she said as her own kwami appeared by his side, "I really don't want to loose Cat Noir, he's the best partner I could ever ask for."
"That was a very nice thing you did for him Marinette," tikki answered reassuring her, "but whatever happens now happens, you've done all you can, it's up to him now."

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