Ch. 2 | Captured

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(Pretend they are speaking the language of the country they're in)

When Daiane woke up, the first thing she noticed that the ground was flat and cold.

The big cat was in a strange metal object that surrounded her, preventing her from escape.

She finally came to her senses, just when a couple of men walked through the door on the other side of the room.

Daiane backed up to the wall of the cage and snarled fiercely at the two men leisurely walking up to her cage.

She suddenly moved forward, slashing her paw in the air to warn the men to back off.

The two men, one of which she recognized as a man that in the forest the night she got captured, and a new person, stopped, cautious of the cat, and then continued their way over to the cage.

Edu, who was the man from the rainforest, stepped forward and threw a chunk of meat in the cage, and it landed with a thud.

"Go on, eat up" the man bellowed.

Daiane carefully sniffed the piece of meat, not trusting these humans. It smelled old, and it was starting to rot.

The prideful cat looked back up at them and stared at them.

"Why isn't she eating?" Edu turned to the second man, which he replied, "I think because she's scared. Or she might've already had something to eat before you captured her"

"I only captured her about a day ago"

"That might be why," the man started, "Anyways, you hired me to handle this creature until your buyer gets here, correct?"

"Yes, that is correct. I only capture the animals," Edu glanced in the direction of the jaguar, "I don't take care of them"

"Very well. When should your buyer arrive?" the man, whose name was Calisto questioned.

"In a few days, but until then, I have to look after her" the man scowled.

"I will do my best. We agreed on 140,000 Costa Rican Colón?" he clarified. (Around $250 American dollars)

"Yes," Edu turned towards to door to leave, "make sure she's in prime condition. I want every penny I can get out of that cat"

"Yes sir" was Calisto's short reply.

After Edu left, Calisto faced the cage the cat was in. She was unusually quiet throughout that whole conversation.

"Well hello there" he greeted the beast.

He looked over her once, noticing she was in peak physical condition.

From that, he concluded that she was the main predator in her area of the rainforest.

"You sure are a beauty, aren't you" Calisto said mostly to himself. In response, Daiane growled at him.

"Let's see, what shall I call you? Ah! I know, I shall call you Reina. Afterall, from what I can guess, you were the queen of your territory" he chuckled to himself.

After doing all of the necessities, like observing her patterns, making sure she's healthy, along with other medical stuff, the man finally left the room. Leaving Daiane alone with nothing but a small bowl of water, and her thoughts.

She had to be knocked out for the man to do his job, so when she woke up, it was morning.


The next morning, she was fed, which of course, she refused to eat.

So, she opted to just take a nap, because that was all that she could do in a small cage.

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