chapter sixteen

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a/n sorry it's short. just a filler chapter basically.

tomorrow is the day tour starts and i'm so excited. i'm going to hangout with allison since i haven't seen her in forever, other than on facetime.

billie was at rehearsal so i'd be bored anyway. i'd be fully healed in two days and i was so happy.

"hey allison!" i said excitedly before hugging her as i was using crutches now.

"ouch," i said quietly.

"you good?" she asked.

"yeah i'm fine," i replied.

we went to the couch and i then turned on the tv.

"so tell me all about billie i've heard she's ravishing," she said before plopping a pretzel in her mouth.

"she's the absolute best," i said before giggling. "uh well i guess i've never been happier," i went on.

"i'm so happy for you," she said smiling.

my phone buzzed. it was a text from billie.

billie: hey baby i'll be home in about thirty minutes :)

                                         y/n: hey bils :) allison is over right now sooo perfect chance to meet her..?

billie: yeah sure

                                        y/n: k see u soon

"billie said she'd like to meet you in a little," i said.

we continued to watch tv, but for some reason she was giving me weird vibes. she seemed... fake.

i thought it was just since we hadn't seen each other in a while.

allison scooter closer to me on the couch. i felt so awkward.

then she put her hand on her thigh.

"okay what are you doing?" i asked with a scoff.

"cmon y/n i know you're only with billie for the fame," she said with an evil smile.

"what the fuck are you talking about?" i asked angrily.

i went to remove her hand and as soon as i did billie happened to walk in.

"what the fuck are you doing?" she yelled.

"she's fucking trying to touch me," i yelled.

"no i'm not. she started it!" allison yelled back.

"get the fuck out of her house!" billie yelled.

allison looked evilly disappointed as she walked out.

"what happened?" billie asked concerned.

"i don't fucking know. she used to be my best friend and she's saying that i'm using you and i'm not," i said before letting out a cry.

"come here," she said softly before pulling into a close hug. "i know you aren't using me. i believe you," she said.

we got out of the hug and we looked into each other's eyes. she put a few strands of hair behind my ear.

she held my head in her hands.

"i love you," she said before kissing me on the lips.

"i love you too," i replied.

neighbours| y/n x billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now