Chapter One

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A/N: Hey! First off, thank you so much for reading. The idea for this story came to me when I was in a pretty sketchy part of town and saw this gorgeous guy, much like Parker. It inspired me to write this. Secondly, I'm a college student. I have tons of homework. I will update as much as I possibly can, I promise. I get writers block pretty badly sometimes. If that happens I'm terribly sorry. The link on the side is a list of bios for characters and pictures of what they look like. If someone wants to create a cover for the story you will get a chapter dediated to you and a character completely of your choice in the story. Feel free to inbox me.

        I was always told that this was the bad part of town, I should never ever stop here. Of course, you can only guess why I’m saying this… you guessed it, I stopped. There’s only so many options when your car says that it has a mile to empty, it’s one of those you have got to stop right this minute things. So, here I am, standing in line at a shady gas station holding a Pepsi and clutching my wallet to my chest, as a guy catches my eye. I can’t help but to stare at him, he made my heart my stop beating in my chest.

I never thought someone that was obviously on drugs could be so… attractive, wait, no, thats an understatement. Gorgeous. That’s the exact word for him, he’s gorgeous, hauntingly gorgeous. I couldn’t stop staring, that is until we locked eyes. Even his eyes were gorgeous, icy blue, almost gray. My eyes lingered a lot longer than they should have, his lips formed a snarl, obviously I probably looked as if I was judging him instead of admiring him.

“Uh, sorry… I didn’t mean to… yeah, sorry.” I mumbled in his direction, he raised his eyebrow as if he hadn’t caught me staring and I seemed like I was apologizing for just existing, which has happened before. “For… staring?” I wasn’t really sure if he had even been upset anymore.

“You’ve obviously got a lot more balls than I had assumed, normally people like you wouldn’t even apologize for staring at me like I’m a disease or something.” He smoked, I could tell by the raspiness of his voice.

“I wasn’t being rude, truthfully. I’m sorry for it seeming that way though.” I said while I paid for gas and my Pepsi. The girl at the register couldn’t seem to be able to figure out how to give me change for a dollar seventy-three. “Just keep it, I probably won’t use it anyhow.” I told her.

I went to walk out the door, being relieved just to get to my car and pump the gas, when I heard the raspy voice of the gorgeous guy yet again, this time it was closer, he was following me out the door. “Why were you staring if you weren’t being rude? Do you consider it not rude to stare at people like me? Are we that low that you consider us less than human?”

“Excuse me, but I wasn’t staring at you because I think that you’re less than human and lower than I am.” The thing about me is I’m generally a really sweet person and I treat everyone equally, it rubs me the wrong way when people think that they’re any different than anyone else, or when people think that I’m a goody two shoes that thinks she’s the best.

“Oh yeah? Why were you staring then?” He had grabbed my wrist, refusing to let me just walk off from this.

“You’re not oblivious to your good looks, I’m sure.” This made him cock his head to the side, maybe he was oblivious after all. “I was just thinking that you are really handsome, that’s why I was staring, okay?”

Then, he did something that stole my heart instantly, he grinned. “I’m handsome? No shit?” I nodded, reflecting his grin. “Well, most people just call me Parker Barlow.” He let go of my wrist and held his hand out for me to shake, which I did. “Do you have a name?”

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