House Invitation

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¨Well, I was...looking for you..¨

He seemed shocked, and got tense. He seemed as if death himself was in front of him. Was he that paranoid? Or maybe just has a troubled past of some kind. He grabbed my arm, rather tightly.

¨Why? Why would you look for me? We've only just met.¨

This time, his expression turned from completely pale, to tense and defensive. I stared at him in confusion. He tried to act tough, but it was obviously failing. I saw no reason for it though.

¨Yes, I know that, but-- Splendor, are you alright. You seem very paranoid. What exactly is in this forest? If that what's scaring you, then--¨


He said quickly, covering my mouth, and hearing a twig snap. Leaves were falling, and there were sudden movements. I backed up towards Splendor, bumping into him. I held his arm for a few seconds, as he flinched at first.

¨We need to leave.¨ He whispered in a panicked tone. He picked me up, as I put my arms around him, afraid I was going to fall. His height was up in the seven or eights somewhere. In a second, we were somewhere much brighter, and there was a house. Did I pass out? Or did time just skip? I kept holding on to him, as I was still completely confused still. The house was more like a mansion, but still, it looked like a nice place. Even though it was still dark outside, it seemed lighter over here. He walked inside, and sighed as if in relief. He had very long hands for a normal person. And I know it's rude to ask someone's age, but how old was he? Splendor seemed masculine, as he didn't have any breasts. Or maybe he did? Is Splendor a female or male? I didn't want him to be insulted or nothing, but I really couldn't tell. Splendor's voice was high-pitched.

¨If you don't mind me asking, are you...male?¨

Splendor seemed shocked, and slightly embarrassed from the question.

¨Yes, child. I am male...¨

Dangit. Did you just insult him unintentionally? Does he get asked that a lot? I don't know! Just don't say anything awkward...

¨I'm sorry. I just didn't want to mis-gender you by accident.¨

This was becoming a weird conversation.

¨That is alright. But it's still late. You should get some rest, child. Here.¨

He walked off, as he signaled me to follow, as I did, still being a little bit confused. He stopped at a door, and opened it. He signaled to go inside, and I did, seeing a bedroom that looked completely spotless. (Details are for you to imagine.)

¨I know you probably have a lot of questions, but I shall answer them in the morning, child. Hopefully you get some good rest. I'll be in the last door on the right. Tell me if you need anything.¨

He smiled, as he softly closed the door. I sighed. Thankfully I wore a dress, or else sleeping in jeans and such would be uncomfortable. I yawned, getting into the bed, and closing my eyes.

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