Asking Her Out

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I woke up, seeing that I was in a living room. Right. The movie with Splendor. I looked, seeing that I was laying on his chest. I blushed. I had gotten up, yawned, and then stretched. I saw the half-empty bag of popcorn, and the remote on the table. That was a fun night. I really liked Splendor. He was so kind, and loving. He was really charming, as well. Would he ask me out, or should I ask him? I was confused on what I should do. I got up, and thought that I should look around the place. I walked around, and looked through different doors. I've seen the doors in the front, of the room I stayed in, Splendor's room, kitchen, and the living room, so I checked the back. There was what seemed to be an office room, with ten chairs, a giant round table, and some more stairs stacked in a corner, with a screen. The next room was a door that had huge windows, and another door. I walked into the room, seeing family photos on the walls. I saw Splendor in one of them, along with a guy that wore a black suit, with a red tie, and black pants, and another one was wearing a black fedora, with a long black jacket, black pants, and he had a rose in his hand. The other one wore a light brown vest, with blue jeans. I was guessing they were his brothers. But none of them had a face, except Splendor, and the guy in the long trench coat only had a mouth. The other photos I didn't really understand who they were, so I guessed they were ancestors. I looked out the window, seeing a garden of flowers. There were different flowers of each color, with a green path that in the middle of them, with a fountain in the middle. It all looked so pretty.


Splendor's P.O.V

I woke up, and I didn't see Y/n anywhere. But she hadn't left, as she still had her phone on the table. I looked around for her, not seeing her. I walked into the office room, but she wasn't there, and I looked in the gallery room, and saw her looking through the photos there. There were two photos of me and my brothers, with one being just us, and then a photo of us when we were younger, with our father and mother, and then it just went on from there. I saw her then looking at the garden. I smiled. She had seemed very interested in the garden, as well.

¨It's nice, isn't it?¨

She turned around, looking at me.

¨Oh, Splendor, your awake. Yes, it is beautiful.¨

¨I'm glad you like it, Y/n.¨

¨You own all of this...?¨

She said, slowly turning in a circle, looking at everything in wonder. She seemed to really like this room. I smiled, seeing how she was looking at everything.

¨Yes, I do.¨

¨It's amazing...¨

I smiled at her. She looked at me, looking surprised and inspired by what was around her. I walked over to her, putting my arms around her, as she put her arms around me. She hugged me, as I had hugged back, and we cuddled for a minute, before putting one of my hands underneath her chin.

¨So, Y/n, I've been meaning to ask you....¨

¨Ask me what?¨

¨If you would be my girlfriend...¨

¨ asking me out on a date?¨

I smiled. That's what it was. A date. I smiled, but still a little worried, because I didn't know if she would accept it. I didn't really know how she felt about me. This was one of the biggest things I've ever done in my life. I paused, waiting for her answer. She had to accept, right? She wouldn't decline, would she?

¨Yes, I am....So, will you be my--¨

¨Can you step down?¨

I hesitated, before getting down on one knee. I then paused, feeling something around my lips, noticing that Y/n was pulling me into a kiss. I was shocked, and I had flinched from the sudden movement. I felt my heart beating out of my chest, having butterflies in my stomach. I felt my cheeks go completely red.

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