Chapter 5: Days go on

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I knocked down that stall door.
Lifted up my skirt and pooped with all of my heart.
After giving it my all I felt very much relived. I thought about spraying something because my poop smelt really bad. But then I remember how rudely Mackenzi and her minion treated me.
So, I didn't even flush.
Then I stormed out yelling...
Later in the school year a blonde girl with a manly voice approached me at lunch. I had just ordered everything on the menu. 57 dollars? What the heck? She had offered to pay for my meal, at first I was alittle skeptical, I could tell she wanted something from me. She told me her name was Shay VanBuren the she introduced her older sister. And her younger sister. (Who both shouldn't of been there. WHY THE HECK WAS A COLLEGE STUDENT AND A ELEMENTARY STUDENT DOING AT A FRECKING HIGH SCHOOL?)
"Ew is that a FRECKING gremlin?"
"I'm a 7 year old?!"
"Whatever just don't feed that thing after midnight..."
They told me they wanted to destroy those cheerleaders and wanted my help and to be on "team VanBuren.
I said yes as long as they were paying for my 57 dollar lunch!
They said they would add me to there face book page and add me to all group emails so I can know everything that is going on if I am there ally.
Weird encounter.
At least they weren't cheerleaders.
And I got a free 57 dollar lunch.
Oh one crazy poop is to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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