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"Morning campers! After breakfast, please meet on the meeting point" they heard Devan's voice through the intercom as they got ready for today.

"I wonder what food is like in here" Boze said putting on her mascara as Dominique fixed her short dark hair.

"I hope its good. We are here for two weeks, I don't wanna starve" she replied and they went to the canteen.

They saw a big arrange of foods and it kind of surprised them. They saw a lot of smaller tables, so  Dominique took a plate and put the first thing she saw, which was a croissant and sat down next to Dan and Phil.

"Good morning!" Phil said enthusiastically as always. She gave him a look and looked around.

"Morning" she replied taking a bite of the croissant, slowly chewing to check if anything is in it.

"Why are you so suspicious? This camp is great" Phil adds again as Dan quietly sips on his tea, not fully awaken yet.

"I don't know, I just have a feeling" she replies.

"You okay Dan? Slept well?" She turns the theme and he chuckles at her.

"Yeah, I just got woken up by Jake" he says as the brothers came in, one being a doushebag he is as the older one is more mature and knows how to behave.

"Supppp" Jake says as Logan just raises a brow and takes a plate, choosing his breakfast.

Dominique just rolled her green eyes and saw Shayne and Marcus come in, and Marcus smiled at her then came to sit next to Phil.

Dominique and Marcus were together and were pretty famous on YouTube, but he broke up with her recently and they didn't tell anybody yet, so they act like they are together infront of everybody. Only Dan and Phil know. They stayed friends though.

He sat next to Phil with a bowl of cereal and Dominique gave him a small smile.

"She still suspicious?" She gave him a look. "C'mon Nique, chill. It'll be great in here" he adds as Dan and Dominique roll their eyes and chuckle at eachother.

- Later -

Everybody met in the park after Emily's call and stood in pairs from yesterday.

"What's up Wes?" Nique asked and he smiled down at her. He's really tall like Logan.

"I'm great, thank you. You?" He asks moving a strand of his freshly died silver hair.

"I'm okay" she says before Emily appears infront of them.

"Today you'll be playing paintball"

Nique raised a brow "That should be fun" she murmured to the boys next to her.

"But there's a twist" she furrowed her brows as Devan pulled something out of his pocket.

"Paintball with sleeping darts. When you get shot, you'll sleep for five minutes then be dragged to 'safety' Last one awake wins for their team" she explains. Nobody liked this idea.

"I don't wanna shoot you" Courtney looked at Olivia sadly, who gave her a positive thumbs up.

"If you see someone from an opposite team and you don't wanna shoot them, you'll get shocked until you do" they all sighed at that.

Phil looked at Marcus, Nique and Dan a bit terrified. "I'm sorry guys" he whispers as Dan sighs.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm probably gonna shoot both of you" Nique says as Wes talked to his Smoah Games crew.

"Yeah, you're kind of like a pro at this" Marcus adds.

"I don't know. We have Mark, Jack, Ethan and Smosh Games. Believe me, it'll be tough" she adds.

"Now please, follow us" they all got separated and got their little rooms to prepare.

They all got dressed in black suits and put the helmets of their team color on their heads.

Nique sighed and put the darts in her gun. "You need help?" Wes asked coming out of the changing room, the black outfit fitting his silver hair.

"No, but thank you" he sat down next to her to tie his shoes.

"How come you know so much about guns? I've never met a girl that's interested in guns and other weapons" he asks.

She gets up and puts the gun up, shooting a bullseye on the exercise board. He gave her a satisfied look as he got up.

"Pops was a cop and he goes hunting in the free time. He just got out of prison. I'll have to visit him if we get out if here alive"

He was still stuck on the 'cop getting out of prison' part and she realized it. "Long story, don't ask"

He simply nodded and put on his dark gray helmet. She put hers on and they walked out, looking like SWAT operators.

"On your positions please"

Nique looked into the forest, noticing cameras as she walked to her spot with worried Wes on her side.

They stood on the little platform and reloaded their guns like professionals. He took in a deep breath making her look up at him. He wasn't much taller than her.

"You okay buddy?" She asks him patting his shoulder.

She was never a type of girl to be really emotional. She was more flirty, angry or sarcastic, but when she showed feelings, she showed that she cared of the person she was showing them to.

He takes in a shaky breath "Yeah,  I'm good" he says making her gently smile.

"Then let's go wreck those bitches"

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