nails and face masks

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DON'T HATE ME PLEASE. I know it's been like a year but here I am, hopefully with more updates. 

"Well, well well, now would you look at yourself. That hair suits you perfectly." Lou said amazed by how good Debbie looked. She knew that her hairstylist would do amazing job with her but this was more than she expected. "Now don't get me wrong, I always thought you were beautiful, but this hair has taken that on a whole another level." Her hair was let down with big curls, which Debbie rarely did, and it had light blond highlights. 

"Thank you..." Debbie said shyly. She has never experienced Lou being this nice to her and this has made her wonder is she only nice to her because of her "proposal" or is this just the whole other side of her Debbie knew nothing about. 

"Now, shall we do some face masks? My nail artists should be here any minute now. She texted me saying she was stuck in traffic." 

"Yeah sure." Debbie said following Lou into the bathroom. Of course, Debbie rolled her eyes, did she really expect anything less from Lou? 

The bathroom was huge, almost as big as Debbie's kitchen and living room all together. It even had two salon beds on one of which Lou has already laid. On the table between their beds was a basked filled with face masks and all possible products. 

"So go ahead pick something." Lou said as she picked out a mask for her. It was one of those that you just take out of the bag and put on your face and it does its thing. Debbie grabbed another one of those and laid on bed as she took the mask out and put it on her face. 

"So... Have you thought about what I asked you?" Lou asked carefully almost as if she was tiptoeing around the situation. 

"I have..." Debbie responded just as careful. 


"I'll do it under one condition." Lou sat up suddenly making her face mask slide off of her face. Back in her mind she was probably 90% sure Debbie would do it, but at the same time she didn't really expect her to say yes. 

 "Anything." She was desperate. 

"You have to always be this nice to me and get someone else to get you coffee because you're impossible when it comes to that." 

"I'll get it myself if I have to, just marry me so I can stay here." Lou laid back again and fixed her mask.  In that moment a woman,  who Debbie, when seeing all the boxes of nail polishes she was holding,  guessed was a nail artist. After her in the room came another woman holding just as many boxes with nail polishes. 

"Hi babes!" Lou said waving and not moving so her face mask would stay still. 

An hour later both of them were done and have decided that maybe it was time for lunch, and this time Lou shouldn't be allowed near the kitchen. 

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