One place on Earth - Levi x Reader - part 2

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  Warning: This chapter contains bad language, blood and violence.


You walked in the shadows, hiding and waiting. You tried your best to avoid any kind of contact with other people and somehow you managed to get to the side of the city without being noticed. Levi looked behind the corner and as he saw it was clear, you ran at the back of the building. The area behind it seemed to be a large dumpster, where all the waste was piled up like no one gave a damn. You walked on the big piles of trash, until you reached to a downhill where you could see the large sewer ahead.

"This is gross." you complained in the dirt.

As you came closer to the large pipe, the ground under your feet was now not only covered with trash, but also wet and mushy. Your feet sank into this mixture of soaked something you didn't even want to know what it was. Finally, you made it to the pipe. The entrance was covered with a chain link fence, but it had a little crack on it, just big enough for you to squeeze through.

You took a rest on the other side of the fence. A small water stream was running through our feet. You were thirsty, but judging from the way the sewer smelled, the water was far from being drinkable.

"You don't happen to have any water with you?" you asked Levi.

"No." he said and opened his back bag.

He took a flashlight from it, switched it on and turned the light towards the darkness ahead. You followed his lead and looked for a flashlight from your own bag.

"Are you ready?" Levi asked.

You nodded, and so it was time to get moving again. The pipe was big enough for you to be able to stand straight, but that was pretty much the only positive thing you could think of. Everything was horrible. You could barely see, and the smell of rotten meat burned your nostrils.

"Don't make a lot of noise. We might not be alone in here." Levi said quietly.

You appeared to a crossing point. There was a large area in the middle, which was surrounded by 5 hallways. The horrible mixed smell of sweat, blood and other excrement was even worse down here. You were planning to jump down to the middle part, when Levi extended his arm in front of you.

"Listen." he whispered.

*clang ... clang*

The sound came from one of the hallways on your right. A distant groan soon echoed from the same direction.

"Which way do we go?" you asked quietly, praying that he had an answer.

Levi reached his hand to one of the side pockets of his back bag and pulled out a couple of papers from it. He flipped through the papers one by one, until he found the map Hanji gave him. You leaned closer to have a look at it. Levi glanced at you, and then back to the paper.

"We're here." he pointed a spot. "and we need to get... here." he moved his finger. "It's that one." he pointed the second hallway on the left. "It's not a long way, but let's be careful." he pushed the papers back.

You took the knife from the back of your belt and moved its place to the front for easier access. Levi looked at you, observing how you kept staring forward and flinched every time you heard the clacking sound from the distance.

"You OK?" he asked.

You swallowed. "Yeah, yeah. It's just, it's been a while since I've been outside... and faced any of them." you decided to be honest with him, but you kept it simple, not wanting to reveal just how anxious you actually were. "But I'm fine. I know what to do." you assured him you wouldn't be running away like a coward.

"You haven't always been living in this zone?"

You shook your head. "No. I've been outside. I've killed them before." you figured that's what he wanted to know, if you were able to take care of yourself or if you were only going to rely on him if things get tough.

"Alright. Good." Levi nodded. "Let's go."

You slowly dropped yourself in the middle area, being careful not to step in the water too harshly. You didn't want to make any loud splashes to attract the one making the noises. You climbed on the second hallway. Everything was good.

In the dark, the only thing you heard was the sound of your footsteps and breathing. The darkness behind made you feel paranoid and you kept constantly looking behind your shoulder, waving the flashlight around the walls. You've always been afraid of the dark and being here was a complete nightmare for you.

"How much long -" you whispered, when Levi quickly turned around and placed his hand over your mouth.

He carefully pushed you back, and guided you down as he did the same. You were now crouching against the wall. Levi kept his eye focused on somewhere ahead. He placed the flashlight to point down at his feet and you did the same. Your heart was pounding. You tried to see what he was looking at, but it was too dark. Then, you could hear it.

A crunching dragging sound was coming closer. You could hear a rough breathing. Levi took his hand slowly away from your mouth, trusting you to remain quiet. He kept looking towards the sound and suddenly started moving his hand down against your stomach, towards your legs. You flinched, questioning his sanity, but then you realized he was reaching for the knife. You moved your arms out of the way and let him take the knife off your belt.

Levi prepared himself. The sound was getting closer and now you could see a dark figure, being so close you could smell the rot on its skin. As the thing took another step, Levi jumped and hit the blade through its forehead before it had any time to react. The thing collapsed to the ground and Levi pulled the knife away from it.

Without a word, You stood up and we kept going forward, moving slightly faster, fearing that you had made too much noise. Luckily you were able to reach to the other end without any further encounters. There was a metal ladder going up to a higher level and you climbed it up. You stayed at the higher level for a while since it finally seemed safe enough to catch your breaths. Levi gave you the knife back, and suddenly you realized how nasty things could've turned out.

Good thing Levi was there. Your mind was completely blank from ideas and common sense when that thing came. It's been too long. You got too comfortable living behind the secure walls for so long. You have to get a grip.

"It's not far from here. Just this small part and we should be out of here." Levi stood up.

"Finally." you sighed and followed him into the pipe.

Levi found the crack on the round metal fence that covered the pipe exit, and you climbed out of the hellhole. Levi gestured you to stay low while he bent the fence back straight. You inhaled the fresh air, thinking about never going back there again. You were still near the city, but outside the large wall that covered the quarantine zone. You could see that you had arrived to an old suburban. You felt a pat on your shoulder. Levi nodded his head to the right, telling you the direction to go to. You stood up and walked towards the houses.

It was quiet. The streets were covered with wildly growing grass, bushes and trees. No one has been living here in a long while. You constantly looked around for anything moving, but it seemed that it was just the two of you out there. Levi was walking a few steps ahead of you, and you found yourself staring at the back of his neck.

"What is this place where we're going to?" you asked.

"A house." Levi said, not looking at me.

"Yeah, I figured that out." you rolled your eyes. "but what's in there?" you specified the question.

Levi turned on a different street. "Supplies, hopefully."

You kept walking past several big empty houses. The yards were covered with random furniture and other stuff that was left behind when it all began. You peeked into the abandoned cars as you passed them, but they'd been cleaned from anything useful a long time ago.

Levi stopped. He turned to look at the house on the left. It was a big two floor house, no different from the other houses around the area. The downstairs windows were covered with boards and the yard was a mess. Levi took a look around, before he stepped on the yard path, you following him closely. You circled into the backyard and he opened the door. Slices of dry paint and dirt landed on your shoulders as you stepped past the doorway.

Levi placed his back bag on the floor, took the pistol out of his holster and went to check the upstairs. You walked around the ground floor, looking for anything suspicious, hearing nothing but Levi's footsteps from the ceiling above. You opened a door, which lead into a small bathroom. You tried the tap, hoping that by some miracle you'd see water coming out of it. It didn't happen.

You looked at the mirror above the sink. You wiped the dust and dirt away from the surface to get a better look at the reflection. Your face was dirty and your hair looked like it hasn't been brushed in months. You stared at the sad and shallow human face, trying to remember how you used to look like before all this happened. Footsteps came down the stairs and you snapped out of your thoughts. You stepped out of the bathroom and looked at Levi, who was standing at the end of the hallway, looking at you.

"Anything?" he asked.

"Nothing." you sighed. "I'll go check if there is any water somewhere." you walked to the back door and stepped outside.

The sun was still high. It was probably around 2-3pm. There was a doghouse in the yard. You walked to the water bowl. There was some water left from yesterday's rain at the bottom of the bowl, but it was covered with green moss and you poured it on the ground. You looked around the yard, but there was nothing that looked like it could store water in it. You walked to the fence and reached your head over it to check the neighbor's side.

Your eyes scanned the area. It was basically empty, but then you spotted some kind of a plastic barrel at the corner of the house. Your heart was suddenly pounding.

One place on Earth - Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now