One place on Earth - Levi x Reader - part 7

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 A/N: This story takes place in a Post-Apocalyptic world.

~Mild smut alert.

-------At the fifth floor meeting room-------

"No, no, this is bullshit. Why the hell are you leaving me out of this?" you complained in your seat near a window, glaring at Levi, who was standing near the door with Rose -the nurse, who you visit for daily check ups.

Levi crossed his arms and took a deep frustrated breath.

"You're too valuable with your virus-resisting condition to be putting at risk of dying." Rose opened her mouth before Levi. "Do you understand that with Hanji's help, we might be able to get more answers about the virus and why it behaves like this in your case. We need you to stay here." she explained calmly.

You stood up from the chair, muttering quietly to yourself. You looked out of the window, down at the large group of people gathering in the front yard. Levi walked next to you, placing his hand on your shoulder, but you stepped away from his touch.

Levi sighed. "You want to be useful, I get it, but it's too risky. You need to stay alive."

You looked at him. It pissed you off that they had decided all of this behind your back, but you also knew they were right about you staying behind. It just made you so frustrated that this happened now, right after you'd started to think that everything was fine and there was nothing to worry about. To be honest, you weren't really angry at them, it was just a mask you used to hide the truth. You were afraid.

"I know." you sighed. "I just don't like this. What if something goes wrong?" you added quietly.

Just then, the door opened and Erwin stepped in and looked at each person in the room, and lastly, you.

"Have you calmed down yet?" his tone was tense.

After Levi had told you about the news that they're leaving to look for Hanji, he had to drag you to the upstairs since you started making a scene outside. Levi brought you to the meeting room to calm you down, where Rose was still talking with Erwin after their meeting had ended.

Once you saw Erwin, well, you freaked out even more, acting a little crazy and letting him have all your honest opinions about this mission of theirs. Levi had to pull you to the other side of the room and sat you down on a chair. Erwin soon left the room to put out a word to gather the people in the front yard. He was going to inform them about the mission, and hoping to get some volunteers to help Levi.

You looked at Erwin, feeling ashamed for the way you acted. "Yeah, I'm fine... um, about the earlier. I didn't have all the facts clear and I said some things I regret. I'm sorry."

"Well, we all say things we don't mean when we're upset." Erwin's features softened a bit. "Now, if everything's good here, I need you all downstairs. I need to make an announcement."

You stepped out the hospital. All the people were scattered around the ground near the front door steps. Erwin walked at the edge of the stairs, while you, Levi and Rose, stayed by the wall near the entrance. The crowd slowly went completely silent, waiting to hear what Erwin had so say. Once Erwin was sure that he had everyone's attention, he cleared his throat.

"I don't want to waste any time, so I'm going straight to the point." he said and the people focused. "I need volunteers for a new mission. The plan is to send a group of people near the utopia district -quarantine zone. The objective is to find Hanji, and bring her back to us. This mission will be led by Levi, who is currently the only one who has previous knowledge of the city and is capable of finding her."

Erwin paused for a while, giving the people a chance to think about his words. The people started whispering and looking at each other restlessly.

"Before deciding join this mission -" Erwin continued and the crowd went quiet again. "I want you to know, that there are lots of risks. Beginning with the fact that we don't know Hanji's current position, or if she is even alive anymore. The road is dangerous and the city is filled with heavily armed military force."

The whispering started again.

"Why should we risk our lives just because of this one person?" someone yelled from the crowd.

Erwin sighed, knowing that this would happen. "There is a reason. You all know, that a couple of days ago, Levi returned here with (Name)." he gestured towards you.

Your eyes widened and your heart started pounding as he mentioned your name. The people started reaching their necks to get a better look at you, which felt very uncomfortable and you tried to melt into the wall.

"When she arrived here, she was injured. To be exact, she was bitten... (Name) is infected. She carries the virus." Erwin said and the people started gasping in shock and the yard was filled with clamor. "HOWEVER -" Erwin spoke loudly, in order to get his voice to carry over the loud noise. "The virus hasn't been fatal in her case. Somehow, her body seems to be rejecting the virus." Erwin turned his head at Rose, giving her the signal to play her part.

The crowd was dead silent again. Many of them kept staring at you. You felt their burning stares, even if you had turned your face away from them. You looked at Rose, who moved from her spot. She gave you a small comforting smile, before she walked next to Erwin. Levi was on your other side, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. He looked at you from the corner of his eye, before he focused back to the others.

Rose looked at the people and cleared her throat. "First of all, you don't have to worry. Everything is under control and she is not dangerous." she smiled to the people. "I've been keeping record of her bodily functions for these past few days, getting more and more convinced every day, that her body can really fight against the deadly virus. However, we can't figure out the reason of her condition on our own. Hanji, on the other hand, has the needed intelligence in this matter."

"With her help, we could finally be able to solve some of the mysteries of this virus. (Name) is the only person we know, who has ever survived from the infection, and it's crucial for us to be able to study why the virus is behaving so differently. Please understand, that our future might depend on Hanji."

The yard was silent. Everyone was going through their thoughts.

Erwin stepped back in. "Now. Those who are willing to volunteer for this mission, please step forward."

The crowd stayed still, everyone was looking at each other. Three men started walking through the people. When they arrived in front of the stairs, you recognized them. They were Oluo, Gunther and Eld. Levi had introduced you earlier, telling you that before they found this zone, Levi was moving in a same group with them.

Another man started moving closer from the furthest right side of the crowd, you noticed it was Reiner. He was followed by a short blond haired woman, who you guess was called Annie. They lined up at the bottom of the stairs next to the others.

Eren, who was standing at the front with Mikasa, Jean and Armin, looked at the already volunteered people that stood by the stairs. He had a determined look in his face. He took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"What? Are you crazy?" Jean hiss-whispered to him.

Mikasa also took a step forward. After her, no one moved in the yard.

"Anyone else?" Erwin asked from the people.

Jean was looking around him restlessly, muttering something between his teeth and then, he too, stepped forward.

"I thought you were too scared." Eren whispered at him with a smirk.

"Shut up, Jaeger." Jean crossed his arms.

Erwin waited for another few moments. He turned his head towards you by the wall. Levi looked at the line of volunteers, before giving an approving nod to Erwin. Erwin looked back to the crowd in front of him.

"I thank you for your time. Those who have volunteered, follow me. The rest of you may leave." Erwin said and turned around.

You looked at the people who followed Erwin inside, feeling terrible. All of these people are leaving, and most likely not all of them would come back, or not any of them. Levi pressed his hand against your upper back, signaling you to follow them inside. Your feet felt heavy. You looked at Levi as he walking beside you. His eyes pointed forward. His eyebrows had frowned as he was deeply in his thoughts. He seemed different. Tense.


One place on Earth - Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now