Chapter 1

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Currently, I was walking down the dirty streets on the Isle. 1 year ago, 4 Villians got chosen to leave the Isle and very much Villians here on the Isle are jealous. They wished to be chosen by Ben, the King, but they didn't. He chosed the children of the most Evil Villians ever. Carlos De Vil, son of Cruella De Vil. Mal, daughter of Maleficent. Evie, daughter of Evil Queen and Jay, son of Jafar. They never came back yet, so I guess it's nice out there.

I walked down to the docks to chill a bit at the water. I sat down and looked at the water, it was the sunset, beautiful as always. Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind. I got grabbed on both my arms and I didn't even knew who it was. Until I heard that laugh.

"finally I found you!" a girl laughed. It was Uma. She was searching for me for days. But she couldn't find me because I always hid at the secret places I know. But now, she got me. Two boys of her crew held me by my arms up, so I couldn't reach the ground to escape.

"you thought I wouldn't find you? Well, you thought wrong, girl" she said and came near me. "now, you'll pay for the chaos you've caused" she said. I knew I had to fight against her, and that she'll win. I'm not a good fighter, I lose every fight. That's why it's hard to survive here. "give her a sword" she said and a boy gave me a sword. He had eyeliner on or something, I don't know. They let me go and Uma prepared herself to fight. "you won't escape this time, we're everywhere" she said and we got ready to fight. She started to swing her sword and I tried blocking it, but I missed it and fell back. I got back up and started to fight. She was good, very good. I tried my best, but at one part I didn't payed attention and I fell down. This time, she didn't let me get up. She stood with one foot on my breast. But I slipped under her foot and she was with her back to me. I didn't watched and she hurted me with her sword. A big wound on my rips appeared and my shirt soon was soaked full with blood. I fell to ground and closed my eyes because of the pain that went through my body. I could barely breath. Uma stood over me and laughed.

I didn't knew if she was about to kill me or something, but she got interrupted. All I could see were 4 people, maybe Villians. They yelled at her and it came to a fight against Uma and her crew. Everything went black and I couldn't notice anything. The last thing I remember, or felt, was someone lifting me up and carrying me away.

I woke up in a bed. I looked around, to my right I saw a big window. I looked to the left and saw two other beds. On them, 2 girls laying on there. A boy sat on a chair and was almost asleep. I saw down to the floor and saw a boy sitting next to my bed, he was also almost asleep. I tried moving but I couldn't, pain shooted through my body.

"woah she's up" a girl voice said. Another girl stood up and come to my bed. "Hey, how do you feel?" she asked me. She had wonderful blue hair.
"uh, I don't know. Not really good" I mumbled. "that's normal, you got hurt really bad" she said. "oh okay" I said wondered. "do you remember what happened" she asked me worried. "um yeah, I had to fight against Uma and she hurt me" I said slow, because my body still hurts really bad. "that's good, you didn't lost your memory" she said.
The boy on the floor in front of my bed woke up. When he saw me awake he imminently stood up. "your finally awake" he said and looked down on me. "yeah, how long have I been sleeping" I asked them. They looked at each other and back to me. "you've been asleep for 3 days" the girl said. "okay, that's quite long" I said. "yeah, but you shouldn't be talking so much. You've got to rest until you feel better" she said and she and the boy walked over to the other. They woke them up and they just left the room. Really? They just leave me alone? I just layed there in the bed. Nothing to do. I didn't even knew what time is it. But I got tired soon and fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of birds. Wait, we don't have that at the Isle. I must be away from the Isle. At Auradon! I couldn't belive. But how did I got here? Maybe these people carried me here.

Someone knocked on the door. "come in" I said quite. A women came in, and behind her the 4 people who were in the room yesterday. But, there was another boy, I didn't knew him. The women came to my bed. "how do you feel today?" she asked me. "it hurts bad, but it's okay" I said. She pulled out a wand and broke a spell on me. Trough that, she could see how bad I was injured. She had a bad look on her face. She went to the others and talked to them. She left the room after that. The girl that talked to me yesterday came to my bed. "you've to stay longer than we thought" she said. "um okay" I simply said to her. The boy that I don't know came to her and wispered something into her ear. She turned around. "you sure?" she said quite. "yes, ask the others" he said and they walked over and talked to them. After about 5 minutes the girl came back to me. "we know your from the Isle. I mean, we found you on the Isle, when Uma hurted you. We have a choice for you" she said. "what choice do I have?" I asked her. "your from the Isle and Ben, the King, wants you to stay here, at Auradon" she said. The king wants me to stay here? That's awesome, I've always wanted to come to Auradon. "it would be an honor to stay here" I said.
"great, I hope you'll live better here than at the Isle" he said and left.
"now that we have that, we should introduce ourselves to her" a girl said. "yeah, I'm Mal" she said. "I'm Evie" another girl said. "my name's Jay" a boy said. "and I am, um, Carlos" he said shy. It really are the Villians that got chosen by the king. I couldn't belive meeting them.

"are you hungry?" Evie asked me. "yeah" I answered her. "okay I'll go get here some" she said and left. "I'll go too, Ben and I have a date" she said and left quick. "i have training" Jay said and also left. So there were only Carlos and me left. He stood in the middle of the room. He turned around and watched me. "you want  play cards?" he asked me. "yeah" I answered him simply. He pulled out a pair of cards and got the table near my bed. He gave me some cards and him. We played and he always won. So I got kind of mad at him. I threw the cards on the table. Right at that time, Evie came trough the door with food. I ate it, even if it wasn't much. As I finished eating Evie left the room again. "do you want a revenge?" Carlos said to me. "of course, what are you thinking" I said and laughed. "oh you can already laugh, I think the people at the Isle don't laugh" he said smiling. We played cards and the last round, I won. I threw the cards on Carlos. "I won!" I shouted and smiled big. "you did" he said and smiled back. "you should sleep now, it's late" he said. "yeah, good night" I answered him. And he went to leave the room. "wait" I said and he turned around. "Thank you for the nice day" I said and blushed a bit. "no problem, it was very nice" he said and smiled. "now sleep good, see you tomorrow" he said and left. I laid my head back on my pillow and fell asleep very soon.

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