Chapter 21: Tea

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I've been puking every day still and I gained so much weight. I don't know why I'm sick again. I've been taking my meds and nothings working, so I decided to go to the doctors and see what was up. I ask Lilac and Maggie to come with and to not tell any of the boys because I didn't want Nick to worry.

"Do you think you have it again?" Lilac asked as we waited in the waiting room. I looked at her with a scared face.

"So I got you a water and M&M's" Maggie Said as she walked over by us.

"Thank you." I Said as I snatched them out her hands and opened them and ate them all in about 5 seconds.

"Damn girl!" Maggie laughed.

"Macie, the doctors ready for you." The nurse said. I looked st the girls and we all walked in the room. After about 15 mins waiting in the room, the doctor finally came in.

"Hello Macie, it's nice to see you again. So I heard you have been getting those symptoms again?" The doctor said as he washed his hands.

"Yeah. I have. But this time it's not making me weak." I mentioned.

"Okay, I'll rub some test again." He Said. I nodded and he left the room.

"I'm so hungry!" I whined.

"Girl you just shoved 20 M&M's in your ONCE!" Lilac reminded. I glared at her and rolled my eyes.

20 minutes later...

"Okay so the files came in and your are healthy." He Said.

"B-but then why am I getting those symptoms?" I asked so confused.

"Macie, you were false on every test but you are Positive for the pregnancy test." He smiled.

"What!" I Said shocked. My mouth was open, I was frozen and confused. I looked at the girls and they had there mouths open like mine.

"W-Wait how? I thought I couldn't get pregnant!" I Shouted.

"Well most women with Pseudocyesis, have a 90% chance of not getting pregnant but I guess your are the 10% who do." He Said typing on his lab-top. We left the office and right as all of us got in the car it was silent.

"Bitch! YOUR FUCKING PREGNANT!" Maggie cheered. I smiled and all us girls danced and hugged.

"I-I can't believe it!" I smiled so big and realized I'm going to be a mom. But then I thought of Nick and his career. We were even trying! I just found Ik I was never going to eat a mom and yeah it was sad but know I have one in my stomach.

I dropped off the girls and I drove to nicks to tell him the "great" news. I walked into the house and headed up to his room.

"Hey babe." I Said as I walked in on him playing fortnite.

"Hey baby." He Said as he kissed me without looking away from the screen. I sat on his bed twiddlingmy thimbs.

"Nick. I gotta tell you something." I Said scared.

"What's up?" He asked still not paying any attention to me.

"Nick! I'm for real. Just turn off the game." I Said strictly. Nick looked at my confused and I could tel He new it was important because he has never seen me this scared or worried.

"Macie? What's wrong?" He asked as he paused his game and sat next to me on the bed.

"I-I um...I'm" I tried to speak but my voice just cracked.

"Baby your scaring me." Nick Said putting his hand on my thigh.

"I went to the doctors today and they told me...IDONTHAVETOTAKEMYMEDICATIONANYMORE!" I blurted out of fear.

"Really! That's amazing!" Nick Said as he hugged me.

"Yeah...isn't it!" I lied as he hugged me. I couldn't tell him. What if this ruins his career. I can't do that to him.

4 hours later...

Everyone came over to just hang out. I told Maggie I couldn't tell nick and she just told me to take time and not to worry. Which is what I did. Lilac wasn't here yet which is weird because she normally is the first one, so I couldn't tell her what happened earlier.
We all listened to music and just chilled.

"Hey y'all! I'm here! I know I know I'm late but I had to pick up something." She said as she held up a little yellow bag.

"What is it?" Zion asked.

"Nothing for you." She spat. I laughed at her attitude and sat on the couch.

Nicks POV
Lilac just got here and damn I love her as a friend but she so loud. I was on my phone on the couch and seen Macie come by me. I smiled at her as I kissed her lips and put my arm around her. I then got thirsty so got up and headed into the kitchen. As I was digging through the fridge, lilac screamed in my ear.

"HEY NICHOLAS!" She yelled.

"Lilac. Hey." I Said with a fake smile as I rolled my eyes.

"Here." Lilac Said handing me a little yellow bag.

"What is this?" I asked

"Something for um- you know..." she said winking her eye with a big secretive smile. I was so confused and just took the bag and dug in it. I then pulled out a baby outfit.

"Lilac? What is this for?" I asked so confused and kinda annoyed because she always be playin games

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"Lilac? What is this for?" I asked so confused and kinda annoyed because she always be playin games.

"You know...for the little one." She smiled secretly.

"What? Lilac, what the fuck are you talking about!" I Said raising my voice a bit.

"Macie? Duh, she's pregna-" Lilac Said but cut off her sentence as she realized what she just said. My eyes grew big and ran into the living room.

Macies POV
I was chilling o my he couch and seen nick head into the kitchen and seen lilac follow him but didn't pay to much attention. I was just scrolling through Instagram when I heard nick raise his voice.

"What's going on in there?" Edwin laughed.

"Lilac is probably annoying him." I answered.

"MACIE! YOUR PREGNANT?" Nick yelled as he ran into the living as he held a the Nike onesie.My heart dropped and I froze there.

"W-What h-how d-did you find o-our?" I Said walking up to him nervously and embarrassed because everyone was watching us.

"What do you mean how did I find out? How? How are you pregnant! I thought you couldn't get pregnant!" Nick Said as he started to get quiet.

"I couldn't but when I got sick again I went to the doctors and they told me I was pregnant." I Said hoping his straight face would turn into a smile.
He just looked at me with confusion and ran up stairs. I collided my eyes and felt a tear run down my cheek.

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