스물다섯: Randomness

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Yoongi's P.O.V.

I was woken up from the clash of pans from somewhere in the house. I groaned loudly as I rolled over but only ended up rolling off the bed with a thud. I groaned again, it's too early for this.

Reluctantly I sat up and went to get dressed. I threw a black hoodie on and some light blue jeans before i splashed some water on my face in hopes of waking up a bit more. I combed my hair and prepared myself to walk out into chaos. Immediately after opening the door to my room I could hear laughter from the kitchen which grew louder the closer I got. Walking into the room I saw my girlfriend sitting at the island, pencil in hand and writing in her notebook. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"What are they doing" I asked as I looked towards the oldest in his big pink hoodie on the ground laughing hysterically as Namjoon was crouched down beside him looking slightly worried but had a small smile on his face anyways.

"Honestly I don't know, and I don't want to know" Y/n said as she just rolled her eyes and ginned as she looked down on the crazy bunch.

"He's been laughing for the past 5 minutes, I wonder how he's still breathing" she muttered, letting out a little giggle as she wrote in her book. I was getting ready to peak at her writing when suddenly a door opened and closed drawing my attention.

"Oh look who it is" Y/n teased as she saw the one and only Taehyung walking out of his room carrying a wide smirk on his face. He walked into the kitchen with us but suddenly got very confused when he turned to the laughing human.

"What the....?" He went on but quickly decided not to question it before coming over to me. Taehyung then unwrapped my arms from around Y/n.

"Yah!" I went to protest but he cut me off.

"Shush" he said as I watched him forcefully take the pencil out of Y/n's hand and shut her notebook before pulling her up from her seat. He then gently pushed her into me.

"You two, make breakfast I'm starving" he demanded. I glared at him as did my girlfriend but we walked off to do as he said.

That boy....

When will he learn to respect his hyung?

Y/n's P.O.V.

Yoongi and I decide we were just gonna make ramen for breakfast, it was the easiest thing to make after all so we grabbed out the ramen packets and flavoring, putting them in a pot, and after that Yoongi worked a little of his magic as he spiced it up. Eventually it was done.

During the time it took to make the ramen, Jhope and Jimin had found their way out of their room so Jungkook was the only one missing.

"Everyone the foods ready" Yoongi called out and Jhope was the first to the table. I set down a set of bowls and chopsticks at each seat and watched how Jhope eagerly grabbed what he wanted before the others even made it to the table.

"Mmmm it smells so good" Jin hungrily hummed as he grabbed his bowl, taking a fair amount from the pot. Next Jimin and Yoongi grabbed some before I looked at Taehyung.

"Where's Jungkook?" I asked but was met with a devilish smile that I didn't want to know the cause behind.

"I'll go get him, make sure not to eat it all without us" he smiled and ran off to get the younger. I watched as he opened the door and called for the younger to come out. After a few seconds you could see Jungkook emerge with some black joggers and a baggy shirt. He looked to be a little stiff but I didn't want to question what my best friend did to cause him to be that way.... those two are very unpredictable.

Once the two walked into the kitchen, they took a seat beside each other as I finally sat down now that everyone was acquainted for. Carefully I grabbed my bowl and served myself as I snuck a glance over at the vkook couple. Taehyung decided to serve Jungkook and himself and then give the other an unreadable glance that hid much behind it. Shaking them off, I decide to just eat and use this time to think about my project that I was determined to finish today.

That is if they let me finish...

Came back to this flop of a book even tho I'm hella sick rn.... low key know why it's a flop: because I'm better at writing gay shit that straight shit 👌🏻

But~ I'll finish it anyways and make up for This book with my other book that has a female and male version

It will definitely be better since I'm writing it from a male p.o.v. and then just adapting it to a female version

Chapters are a bit shorter for this book so maybe 2 more chapters left...?
But anyways-

peace dudes ✌🏻

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