.+* prologue *+.

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.+* Jaemin POV*+.

"Jangmi ajumma!" I yelled from across the street, "Do you need some help?". I could see that from where I was standing, she was balancing on top of a rickety, old stool, trying to replace the light bulb that had burned out a couple days ago, all by herself. I saw that as she stood on her toes atop the stool, it wobbled back and forth ever so slightly. It wasn't safe.

"Ah, no, no, I'm alright Misung!", I heard her yell back trhough the open doors. I ignored her and quickly handed the woman in front of me her delivery. "Thank you so much for ordering at KFC! Visit again soon, Hyewon-nim". As she thanked me and closed the door, I rushed to Ji & Ji Cafe, where Jangmi worked, on my delivery bike.

I hopped off my bike as soon as I got there and ran past the open doors. "Jangmi ajumma! Be careful, you might hurt yourself! That stool isn't very stable," I complained. "Aiisshh, didn't I say that I was alright? I'm fine," she said, struggling to place the new lightbulb into its proper place. Despite her claim, I decided to help her anyways. I got on my knees and held on to the legs of the wore down stool so that it wouldn't wobble anymore. Jangmi gave me a look, annoyed that I had to help her for such a simple thing such  as changing a lightbulb. She wasn't young anymore, so I had to help her in some way. Besides, I owe her my whole life.

She finally got the bulb to stay in its socket and slowly climbed down the stool. "Yah! I told you I was fine!", she said to me, in a annoyed tone, swatting her hand at me.

"I know, I know auntie, but still, I don't want you to get hurt. That stool really would have broke. You should buy a new one," I reply worrilly.

"Are you calling me heavy?!" she exclaimed

"No, I'm calling the stool overused! I'm sorry if I offended you."

She giggled in a slightly worn voice. "It's okay honey, I know you didn't mean it. I'm just teasing you."

"Aish, auntie, you know, your one of the only people I'm nice to! Don't take advantage of it okay?" I say, jokingly pointing at her.

"I know, I know," she replied. She then look around the store and outside the glass paned doors. "Hey, Misung, have you seen Eunjung lately? I haven't seen her the whole day. I'm starting to get worried."

"No, I haven't," I lied straight through my teeth, "Thats weird though... are you sure she isn't in her room?"

"Yes, I'm sure! I checked 4 times today," she replied with a worried tone.

"Huh, that's really weird. I'll try to call her and ask her where she is," I replied reassuringly as I took out my phone. I tapped  on Eunjung's number and put it up to my ear, then almost immediatly after doing so, I turned at an angle where she couldn't see me click the power button to end the call.

"She's not picking up... you know what auntie? I'll be right back, I think I might know where she is," I say, ushering myself out the door. "I promise I'll be back with her by 11pm!"

I jumped onto the bicycle once again and hurried off to the destination that me and Eunjung had planned. It took us forever to save up money for this, and auntie had been refusing to let us go, but we saw a chance and we took it.

Although it did take a while to bike all the way there, I arrived at the Treehouse Coffeeshop, the building across from our destination. I looked around for Eunjung and spotted her by the lamp post near the front door of the shop.

"Eunjungie-ah!! I-I'm here!" I yelled, panting in between words.

"Finally!! Took you long enough Jae— uh Misun!! Here, I already ordered your favorite," she said, as she handed me a vanilla bean frappe with java chips.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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