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At the coffee shop the next morning, Mingi bought one small lattè and one medium. Because of the 20$ he could buy Jeongyeon one. Smileing, Mingi walks to the school, a lattè in each hand.

Mingi walks into the classroom to see the Jeongyeon wasn't there. He placed her coffee down and writes a note saying 'from mingi'.

A few minutes later the rest of the class starts filing in. Mingi takes out a mirror and reapplies concealer on his nose. Just to make sure no one knew.

One minute before the bell rings Yunho sits down next to him. "Good morning Mingi" He greets. "Morning." Mingi whispers back. The bell rings and Jeongyeon walks in. She finds the coffee.

"Thank you for the coffee Mingi. Now lets get started." She starts class. Yunho looks over at Mingi, who was staring straight ahead. He takes the time to observe Mingi.

Yunho stares at Mingi, taking in his features. His jawline, his hair, his figure. He was beautiful. With that thought in his mind Yunho turns red when Mingi turns to face him.

"Yunho? Are you okay? You look a little flushed." Mingi asks quietly. "Yea, now let's get started."

Class goes by fast and their project starts coming together. "Class dismissed" Jeongyeon calls out.


"Guys guess what?" San starts. "What is it this time?" Yeosang asks. "Yunho was with hoodie boy yesterday. Alone. In his room." San snickers. "Firstly his name is Mingi" Yunho starts but is cut off by Seonghwa.

"Use protection." He states simply. "Okay woah. We're partners for a project, you know that San. And same goes for you and Yeosang." Yunho attempts to explain himself. "True true" Wooyoung agrees. "San, leave Yunho's dating life alone." Wooyoung scolds. San pouts, but agrees.

"Yea San. And stay out of my fucking house. Why were you over there anyway?" Yunho questions. "Stuff." Everyone knew they couldn't pry it out of him. The lunch bell rings, signaling for them to head to their next classes.

---free period---

Mingi was in the library, sitting in his usual spot. His music was loud and mingi's eyes started drifting shut. Yunho walks into the library, looking for the younger male.

As if he already knew where Mingi was, he finds Mingi asleep in the corner. "Mingi" Yunho whispers and slightly shakes him.

"Mingi~ Wake up" Yunho smiles omce they make eye contact. "Wake up sleepyhead." Yunho giggles. Mingi thought he could listen to that giggle all day.

"We can go to my house now if you'd like." Yunho offers and holds his hand out. Mingi holds it and stands up. His vision gets blurry. "Uh, yea. Sure." Mingi accepts the offer.

Yunho pulls him out of the library, still holding hands. Mingi didn't pull away, he enjoyed the feeling of warmth in his hands. The two take the same route as the day before, arriving in 15 minutes.

Yunho leads him back into his room. Mingi's world was spinning. He hadn't eaten in days. "Yunho?" Mingi whispers. "Yes?" Yunho turns around and lets go of the younger's hand. "Move." Just like that, mingi's world went black.

"Mingi? Mingi!" Yunho shakes the younger, trying to get him to wake up. "Mingi please, wake up!" Tears fill his eyes. "Wake up. Do it for me." Yunho begs.

After 5 minutes Mingi wakes up. He was laying on Yunho's bed. The polishes had been moved to make room for him.

A female was hoovering over him. "Yunho, sweetie, he's awake." She says soothingly and walks away to make room for Yunho. "Thanks mom." Yunho smiles as she walks out.

Yunho sits on the edge of the bed. "Are you okay Mingi? Do you remember anything?" Yunho asks. "I'm perfectly fine and yes." Mingi starts to sit up. Yunho pushes his shoulders back down.

"You need to lay down and rest." Yunho whispers and turns off the lights. Mingi felt guilty and cold. "Yunho?" Mingi whispers barely. "Yes?" He turns towards the male. "Can you... Sit with me?" Mingi asks then hides his flustered face in his hands.

Smiling, Yunho walks over to the bed. "I'd love to" yunho sits down and Mingi takes his hand. He wasn't so cold anymore. "Thank you" Mingi says. Yunho just smiles while watching the younger fall asleep.

Yunho's feelings were all over the place while he watched over Mingi. There is still so much he doesn't know about him.

But he wants to know everything

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