The Creek Bed

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I am a fox, not in the theif of trickery kind, just a fox. Everyone in town knows me. I am no pest nor do I harm anyone in any way. I sleep around the town, and one may see me playing the the old fields in the north. I am always playing alone.

The elderly humans toss me little scraps when I pass by. I needn't ask, I have food, they just wish to be nice. I respect and appreciate their kindness.

I used to play down by the creek but a few years ago a boy moved in who was... allergic to me. I no longer go near him.

But now the boy is kind no more. I have seen him, he was kind when he was small, weak but kind. Now he is stronger and cruel. He was my end when I happened too close for comfort.

"You used to play here little fox?" He had carried me by the back of my neck to the creek I once knew, he whispered in my ears. He whispered torment and future crimes he would commit.

I stared into his blazing eyes, burning with a passion of a tourcherous wonder. His breath smelled of drunken death. My ne k ached in his tightening grip.

Soon the boys friends showed themselves with beers in their palms and a bat in the hand of one. They laughed as they saw me. A slurred smile slipping onto their lips.

I screamed as they slammed me down, they pushed me under the rushing water... I could only hold my breath for so long. I was ripped upward before my lungs could take no more. Bottles were thrown and broken against my body. Scooting myself away only made them focus on me more, dragging me back into place.

I wished for death to come after hours of pain. They finished their drinks and beat me once more before leaving. I whimpered and screamed until my voice cut off and the pain slowly became a numb feeling. My eyes closed for the last time with o ly faint tears escaping until they too stopped.

That morning the forest mourned the death of purity. The sky swept for the fallen. And in that moment time stopped for a fox it once loved.

Death came for the creature but felt time was not right. Death allowed the fox a final wish.

"I wish for everyone to know how I died."  Death granted me my wish.

That night a creature the town had not seen before appeared at their doorsteps.

Wolves howled on their porches. Claws scratched at their walls. For hours, new demons terrorized the people of a town I once knew, but I was glad for it. Now they can wonder too, "What did I do to deserve this?"

"Now they know how I died, thank you." Death nodded and allowed my body to become part of the forest keeping my soul as his companion.

If you ever come to this little town, know the demons death left are still there killing one by one, fore a little fox was brutally murdered. A death the forest mourned and time wished to rewind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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