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Sandstar hissed at the dog, she jumped at it biting into its neck hard, the dog cried, blood pouring, it shook the pumpkin and beige she-cat off, she landed on her paws and yowled, " Darkheart take Rosepaw back to camp!"

Darkheart nodded, took Rosepaw by the neck and dashed out of sandy hollow. Sandstar watched them go then turned to the giant, snarling dog. She jumped at it, her claws unsheathed and her teeth showing.

Darkheart sprinted for her life back to camp, she skidded to a hult in the middle of camp and placed her apprentice down, then she shouted, "Dogs!" she paused to breath, "At sandy hollow!"

All of Thunderclan listened, Deeppelt ran out to sandy hollow first, then a lot more cats followed, warriors and apprentices poured out to help with the dog. Darkheart collapsed, bleeding, Mousetail rushed up to her unconscious body.

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