Who do you meet on your way to U.A?

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-You were walking near the pond for a short cut and you saw a girl. Of course you started a conversation with her. You walked all the way to U.A.

You were running late to U.A because you helped your mom with housework and when you were running you tripped and onto Bakugo. He got upset and pushed you off of him. At least you made it to class.

You were walking to U.A because for once you got up during your alarm.
A guy zoomed past you. "Watch where your going! I actually looked good today!" You yelled. You got upset because it rained the night before and he splashed water on your uniform. He quickly went back to you. "I apologize miss!" He yelled before running back. "Idiot" you thought as you continued walking.

-You went to middle school with Kirishima and Mina so you knew them well. Mina was late so you and Kirishima walked to U.A together.

You started walking and a random girl who was pink started to talk to you. Out of shock you turned you and your clothes invisible as you ran away. She caught up to you somhow until you remembered you didn't make your bag invisible. You had no choice but to talk to her. She was actually really nice and you started having a normal conversation.

You started using your quirk as you were walking to U.A but you heard mumbling from behind you.  You turned and saw a green haired boy taking notes talking about your water quirk. "What are you doing?" You said to the boy clearly weirded out. When he looked at you. His face was so pink you thought he'd explode. He started moving his arms frantically and then started apologizing but also saying how cool yout quirk was. "It's okay and thanks... I guess" you said feeling a little uncomfortable. To be nice you started a conversation with him as you two walked to U.A.

Your hair actually looked okay today so you were in a good mood. You started walking and a guy with blonde hair and a weird smile started to compliment you. You were weirded out but also flattered. You started complimenting him on random things and you guys walked to U.A together.


You made a fire skateboard because you were to lazy to walk. "Woah! Thats awesome!" You heard a male voice from behind. "I'm Kaminari! You?" He said reaching out for a handshake. "[Name]" you said shaking his hand. Yoy guys walked to U.A talking about your quirks.

You started walking to U.A until you saw ice come hurdling towards you. From shock you made a force field of wind. You also saw fire and two deep male voices. Once you realised the force field you saw a male with white and red hair along with Endeavour!? "Look out!" The younger male yelled. Fire was coming towards you. You made it rain heavily over the fire and the fire got put out. You saw Endeavour looking at you with a smile but a mischeivious smirk. You noticed the two toned haired boy was wearing a U.A uniform. He noticed to. He grabbed your hand and dragged you to U.A until you realized he was running away. You grabbed him tightly which made him blush but you flew with the support of wind. He still won't tell you what happened.

You were running to U.A and you bumped into a girl with black hair. She started apologizing non stop and it made you feel a little uncomfortable but also made you feel like she cared about you. You introduced yourself and she introduced herself. You guys had a normal conversation walking to U.A

You were walking then something hugged you and said your name. You were confused until you realized it was Toru. You met her during the entrance exam. She stopped hugging you and then you two started having a normal conversation until the other girls from your class came up and started talking to you as you all walked to U.A

You were walking but a girl with brown hair ran passed you. She accidentally hit you but you didn't mind until you started floating. "Hey you! Get back here and let me down!" You probably looked like an idiot but you didn't care because this didn't involve your quirk. She quickly ran back to you and released you. She started apologizing but you forgave her (sorry if I used that incorrectly). You guys had a lot in common and quickly became friends.

I'm sorry if there is spelling errors but I'm not the best at writing.

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