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Jihyo was too pregnant to keep working, but they needed the money and she wasn't even doing that much anymore, just tending to the nurse station and doing some boring administrative work that nobody really liked doing. Momo had been too worried and never failed to drop by and check on her, sending Jaebum updates every time she did.

The phone rings, and Jihyo is very grateful to have something to take her out of her boredom. It's dr Lee, asking for a box of gloves, saying he was sure he had restocked them, but still ran out. Simple enough work, so Jihyo didn't wait for another nurse to show up, much less when dr Lee was tending to a VVIP patient, and it was never really good to let that kind of person wait, not if it could mean a handsome contribution to the hospital, and Jihyo knew how much the maternity ward needed one of those.

Dr Lee was the head of obstetrics, and had been struggling to keep their budget since the day he was appointed for the job. He was a nice man, wise beyond his years, but still very young at heart, despite the graying hair and slumping shoulders. So Jihyo took it upon herself to help out, and it was just the one box of gloves, sure Momo wouldn't scream at her for carrying not even half a kilo of gloves for a few meters.

"Come in." Dr Lee calls after a knock on the door.

"Dr, you asked for a refill?" Jihyo asked, poking her head into the door.

"Ah, nurse Park, thank you. But I'm still sure you shouldn't even be working right now."

"It's alright dr, and I'm not straining myself with anything, nurse Son makes sure I'm station bound."

"That's great to hear."

"When are you due?" A new voice brings them out of their playful banter.

"Too soon, if you ask me." Dr Lee answers with a sigh.

"In about a month. And I apologise for disrupting your consultation, I'll take my leave now, mrs."

"Kim. And you weren't really disrupting anything, it's fun to see dr Lee not being serious for once."

"Well, mrs Kim, if you will take the advice from a nurse that's been working with him for years."

"Please, I know that nurses are the real mvps in hospitals. I'll take their advice anytime." The pale woman chuckles.

"Don't let the frown fool you, dr Lee is a secret softie. But he does takes his patients well being very seriously, so be sure to do as he says." Jihyo pretends to whisper.

"Is this 'do as I say not as I do'?" The dr asks. "Because I remember telling you to stop working two weeks ago."

"Oh, I just got called back to the station." Jihyo fakes shamelessly, looking at her very much not blinking pager. "I should go, just call if you need something else dr. It was a pleasure mrs Kim."

Then Jihyo leaves, she did get advised to stop working, but they couldn't afford it, and Jaebum had been pushing himself too far already, every hour she could put in counted and she was sure to keep them up until she couldn't anymore. Back in the office, dr Lee proceeded with the ultrasound, but he couldn't keep his curiosity at bay.

"Forgive me for asking, bu-" The dr began.

"Why did I give her my maiden name?" Dahyun chuckled. "Let's just say it was better that she didn't know my married name, but thank you for calling her over and not saying anything."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." He bows apologetically. "Well, let's get back to little Mina, shall we?!"

Jihyo got to the nurse station to a very angry and very cute looking Momo, who was crossing her arms in front of her chest and puffing her cheeks. The shorter woman couldn't resist but kiss those cheeks, before sitting back down on her chair and look up to her friend, waiting for her to talk. Which the taller one did, after pouting for a little longer, not that anyone who knew Momo would ever have the heart to tell her to stop.

"You were not at the station."

"Very well observed, nurse Son."

"Don't be smart with me, Hyo. where were you, and why were you not following explicit orders to not push yourself."

"Dr Lee needed more gloves, and he was having that VVIP appointment, you know how those people could decide on donations on a whim, so I didn't want them to keep waiting until someone else showed up."

"I'm going to let it slide because it was close by and it was just gloves. But don't let me catch you being smart again, we won't hesitate to keep your pregnant ass home if we need to."

"Okay, I promise, but you know we need my hours, Jaebum has been losing even more weight lately, and he is looking worse."

"I know, but you know Chae, Youngjae and I won't hesitate to help you out with anything you guys might need."

"I know, but let us try. We want to give Sana the best we can offer her."

"Alright, but do speak up when you need it."

Momo kisses her head and skips off, unknown to them, two people were watching them, one was very impressed by how that woman was hell bent on doing everything for her unborn child, he thought his mother was the strongest woman he met, but that nurse was putting up a fight. The other saw the woman for who she was, someone who loved deeply and would let nothing stand in her way for giving everything she had for her loved ones, but she also got worried about something she heard, but that was something she had to handle with care.

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