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"I'll be home all day today. Momo is going to the hospital later, though."

"I know this is last minute, but, can Mina stay with you today?"

"Of course she can, Dubs. Just bring her over whenever."

"Thanks Chae, I owe you one."

"Not just one, but let's not keep tabs. I'll be waiting."

"Alright, see you soon."

Dahyun ends the call before the younger woman has the chance to say anything else, she sounded a little frantic, but Chaeyoung was used to this side of her friend, the pale one would always be rushing whenever she had to make last minute decisions, and this was definitely one of those times. Usually, Im Dahyun would plan everything in advance and always stick to the plan almost perfectly, whatever made her not stick to schedule were always unpredictable circumstances, like accidents that slowed traffic, some weather event, this kind of thing.

The woman wasn't a planning freak, mind you, she just managed herself too well, and was able to pull off whatever she had committed herself to doing. Chaeyoung, on the other hand, was the 'let life happen' kind of person, sure, she had a few schedules, mostly work related, but she would never be too worried about adhering to them to the last minute. If things didn't turn out like she thought they would, that was alright too. Maybe a trait that had to be developed in her line of work, celebrities never failed to be unpredictable and taking pictures of them would turn out to be very stressful if she was the type to complain about schedules not happening.

"Who was it?" Momo comes in, holding a sleepy Sana.

"Dubs was asking if we could look after Minnie today. I said it was fine."

"I agree. And it should be good for Sana to have someone to play with and take her mind out of things a little." The taller woman comes by to give her wife a kiss, after settling the child to sleep on the sofa.

They proceed to arrange things a little, Sana was staying at their place until Jihyo was okay enough. She had been moved from ICU to an apartment two days before, and Momo got the inside info that she would be allowed to go home in another three or four days. Jaebum got two weeks off work, mostly because he had enough extra hours that couldn't be pai, so he kind of had to take time off, but more because his boss was very fond of the young couple and knew how much of a blow the events had been for both.

Momo, Chaeyoung and Youngjae would take turns in making Jaebum go home, shower and sleep properly, while also taking care of Sana. Both the girl's parents were too shaken, even though they had been trying to put on a brave face for her, but the kid still saw how they were very very sad. Sure, Jaebum was trying his best to be strong for his girls, and Jihyo was putting her best effort whenever her little girl was around, but both were broken and it showed. Sana had talked to her aunties and uncle about knowing her mama and papa were sad, and she wanted them to be better.

Youngjae had simply cried a little and hugged the girl close, Momo told Sana things would be alright soon and went on a Sailor Moon marathon with the girl. Chaeyoung was, by far, the best in this, when she asked how the girl was feeling, the little one said she was sad that she wouldn't be an unnie, but she could wait a little longer, but she wanted mommy and daddy to not be so sad anymore. The cub talked to Sana about how her parents needed to be sad for a while, but they would be okay soon, and how the girl should call her when she thought mommy and daddy were too sad so she could go and give them hugs to help them feel better, and also taught the girl how to use the landline and that she should hug her parents and give them kisses a lot too.

It wasn't that long after the call when Dahyun rang the doorbell, passing Chaeyoung sleepy Mina and her little backpack, promising to be back as soon as she could and having her best friend dismiss her, saying they were taking Mina and never giving her back. And that they were taking care of Sana, so Dahyun didn't have to rush, the little girl could sleep over too and keep the older one some company, which didn't sound too bad on the pale one's opinion.

A quick call to Nayeon and the decision Mina would have an impromptu sleep-over was made, both her mothers were to work really late and Jackson was off doing whatever Jackson does, plus, it would be good for the cousins to get acquainted with each other. They would, over the years, but nobody knew that so far, and the Im siblings were still not talking, hell, Jaebum didn't want to see his sister at all, especially given the current circumstances.

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