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"Ye need to gain some weight back, Mr. Higgs." Merida said over breakfast.

"The opposite of what I want to hear." Higgs replied as he bit into his toast.

"Yer skin and bones."

"If you keep making tarts and buying sweets then I won't have any problems.."

Edgar hummed happily as he ate his breakfast, happy that the two of them were happy. The playful banter between them was everything Edgar needed and it let him know that they weren't mad anymore.

"Ye said that ye turn into a werewolf but I havenae seen it except the one time. Are ye sure that ye have it right?"

"I think I know what I am, Merida. And to be truthful, this month has been odd since whatever sickness I had was making me unable to turn into the werewolf. I'm not sure if it was the combination of the extreme fever the illness gave me and the high temperature the werewolf has already or what but I know that me not turning every night wasn't normal."

"Maybe it cured it."

"Ha! That's a laugh... The curse would never be so kind as to let something like that defeat it." He said, as he picked out a tart from the tray in the middle of the table.

"Can you get shot?" Edgar asked out of the blue, swinging his legs in the chair.

"Of course I can."

"Will it hurt you, though? Cuz I heard from Ms. Bosnick at the children's home when I had to go there that werewolves have to be killed with a silver bullet to die."

"Yes; only a pure silver bullet would be able to do any lasting damage, including death. Regular bullets still pierce me but I can easily regenerate from them."

"Even if ye were shot in the heart?" Merida asked.

"Silver bullets are slow so I can usually move before they pierce a vital organ, but yes, even if I was shot in the heart by chance, I could heal."

"I also heard wolfsbane could hurt ye."

"Well, anyone who ingested wolfsbane would die but contrary to belief, wolfsbane takes longer for us to die by. Wolfsbane ingested by a werewolf has the similar effects it would on anyone but instead of a higher amount killing us, it would just make us horrendously sick. If I were a true werewolf like in folklore, changing all the time, it would be the only poison you could slowly kill me with over time if you didn't want to be suspected or something. As for the curse, it will weaken me but it won't kill me. A silver bullet on the other hand..."

"Ye seem to ken a muckle lot about this. Have ye e'er been in this situation?"

"No, but Uncle Radek said that my grandfather did one time. He said one of his many flings got mad at him and was daughter to a man who owned an apothecary. To get back at him, she laced his tea with wolfsbane and then beat him with a silver rod."

"Beat him with a silver rod? What would that do?"

"Actually leave bruises. Anything else will heal quickly but having the rod made of pure silver, it actually beat him up."


"Don't get any ideas, Merida."

"What about a wee stick and ball?"

"A what?"

"I get a nice firm stick and attach a decent sized ball of pure silver to it. Then an we ever meet yer grandparents, I can put it under my dress and then when yer grandfather isnae looking-"

"Bludgeoning my grandfather isn't going to happen, Merida."

"That's what ye'd like to ken..."

Higgs gave a look to her as she tried to look innocent as she sipped some tea.

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now