Chapter 14

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Soon her clock stopped as she too came out from within the mansion exhausted and proud of what she accomplished even though her time was tied with Natsu's

Narrator's POV

"And we have our first tie ladies and gentlemen!! The time to beat still held at 4 minutes and 7 seconds!" Minerva cried as she stood from her seat excitement expressed in all of her movements.

"Oh will you pipe down girl!" Porlyusica scolded pulling the woman back down into her seat, "Rogue Cheney is next." Lucy regrouped with Mira and Kagura in a tight hug before turning to watch how Rogue would fare against the Mansion of Monsters. Much like Natsu and Lucy he stormed through the towering house powerfully his shadow dragon slayer magic filling the mansion with darkness and destroying the monsters within. Spell after spell, monster after monster, it was not long before he too had reached the attic defeating the last of the monsters.

"Ooh and we seem to have a new time to beat with Rogue leading the pack at 3 minutes and 36 seconds!" Gildarts chuckled as he continued, "Next will be Kagura, followed by Laxus and Mira." Kagura kept her distance as she continued past Rogue and into the mansion. Unlike Lucy, Kagura managed to keep her dragon slayer powers a secret as she stormed through the mansion slicing through them all with ease and even crushing them under gravity that their bodies were not made to withstand. It was an easy feat for the girl but it was not enough to beat Rogues time. "And Kagura finishes with a time of 3 minutes and 39 seconds, so close." Gildarts smiles as the crowd continues to roar. 

"So Laxus do you want to go first or should I?" Mira smiled sweetly as she began to converse with the lightning dragon. 

Laxus smirked in return, "Ladies first." Her smile never left as she handed off her jacket to Kagura before stepping within the confines of the mansion starting her clock. Much like Kagura she kept her new abilities locked inside as she strictly stuck to her takeovers and what water magic she knew. Her heightened powers due to her takeovers allowed her to power through the monsters in little time and with little effort. If you looked close enough you could see the terror held within the monsters as they attacked the S-class mage with everything they had barely causing even a bruise to blot against her skin. However, no matter what they tried it didn't stop Mira from taking the lead with a time of 2 minutes and 27 seconds. "Good luck," Mira smiled at Laxus as she left the mansion reclaiming her leather jacket from the girls. 

"And to finish of we have my Grandson Laxus, afterwards we will tally up the scores!" Makarov exclaimed from his place beside Gildarts. Laxus took his place inside the mansion, impassive as the monsters attacked the lightning dragon. As Mira watched from outside she didn't worry about Laxus the way Lucy had with Natsu, no she worried about her time and whether or not it would be enough to give the girls the win for Day 2. Watching as the clock chimed on she knew he had won Day 2 for the boys as the last remnants of his lightning flashed across the screen his time stopped 16 seconds ahead of when Mira's had. The boys cheered as they realized Laxus had the fastest speed. "And at 2 minutes and 11 seconds Laxus has earned the boys four points, Mira, Kagura and Rogue with three and Natsu and Lucy tied at the bottom with two points. Leaving the boys the winners of Day 2!" the crowd continued it's cries as Makarov finally managed to break his voice through the noise, "However! the girls are still ahead with the total score being 13 for the girls and 9 for the boys!"

"Alright that puts an end to that hopefully I won't see you all tomorrow," Porlyusica spoke as she removed herself from the judges table leaving before the crowd could follow suit blocking her from reaching the exits. 

Natsu's POV

"Good match today," turning to the familiar voice I returned her smile with a grin.

"Thanks Luce! It's good to have you back, oh hey after this is over how about we go on a mission together, just us and Happy." I was nervous for a second as I rubbed the back of my neck, but the nerves left when I heard her giggle, making me beam brighter.

"Sure, like old times right? But, you don't mind if I bring someone with do you? I promised to take them with me on a mission sometime." something pang against my chest as she said those words a sudden sadness enveloping me, but I shrugged it off glad to be going on missions with her again.

"Yeah, of course!"

"Cool, you and Happy are gonna love them!" she beamed that breathtaking smile as she walked away with the rest of the girls. 

"Hey, Salamander lets go!" Pikachu exclaimed from somewhere behind me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming," glancing one last time at Luce I headed over to the rest of the guys. 

"Oi Salamander if you really want bunny girl back why don't you go after her?" Gajeel asked as I caught up to them. 

"Are you crazy? Have you seen the other girls? There's no way you'll be able to separate them! Beside this is a competition we need to focus on winning!" Light bulb interrupted causing metal head and I to glare at him. 

"Look while I see where Stings coming from we also have to remember that those girls are our guildmates and quite possibly even your own dragon mates and it wouldn't hurt just to hang out with them while this competition is going on. Besides this is only some healthy and much needed competition, when it's over everything will be back to normal." Jake smiled as he stopped the fight that might've happened. 

"The girls aren't fighting us because they want some healthy competition," Shadow boy spoke up for the first time today. 

"What are you talking about?" Laxus questioned him. 

"They're fighting to prove something. Not just to the guilds but to us." Looking back at where the girls were I actually understood what Rogue meant.

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