Chapter 16 "Monster Mash"

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  Teala is back and the group is so happy to see her again. They all got together and group hugged each other. Then all of a sudden the room started to get darker. The room starts to get darker, darker, and darker. Then, The Queen and The King entered the room. The guests ran outside to the backyard and they find a pack of werewolves ready to attack. They all try to run back inside the house, but the Queen and the King were blocking the doors. The bat minions were flying all over the guests and screeching and scratching them. They all just hear screech screech. The Queen and King came to the guests and told them, "Vote three people into the challenge to vs all of our minions". They guests did what they had to do. The people in the challenge are...The Disco Dancer, The Mystic, and The Troublemaker. They were all in a gasp, but they were relief that it wasn't them. The Queen and King then said to the guests, "Now, you three pick your partner to help you with the bodies". The Disco Dancer chose The Professor, The Mystic chose The Record Producer, and The Troublemaker chose The Journalist. The partners were in shock that they picked them. Everyone is going to do their best. Those six guests followed the Queen and King and they led them to a arena. The Queen and King put the three guests in the challenge in the arena behind bars and the partners above them waiting for what they had to do.

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