Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

"Hey you, wake up." An enthusiastic Louis startled me from my sleep ridden thoughts, his hand connecting with my shoulder in a rough gesture to get me active. "We're here, Hazza." I tried to blink the grogginess from my eyes, pushing myself to a sitting position as I glanced back and forth.

"Oh." I groaned, threading my fingers upward through my thick locks of hair to try to push down the mess a bit.

"Come on, sleepyhead. Aw, look how cute he is." Niall taunted, and I swatted his arm playfully. He yanked his hand back, a faux look of horror plastered on his face. "How could you?"

"Shut up." I snorted, the exhaustion still laced into my low voice as I pushed myself to my feet. I could feel pain shoot up my muscles from the concerts the previous nights. WWA had really hit us hard.

"Hello Chicago!" Liam chuckled as we unboarded the plane.

"Jesus." I groaned, tipping my head back to try to relieve myself of the throbbing pain that was evident along my forehead.

"You okay, Haz?" Louis taunted in the cute, affectionate nickname he had developed for me over the years; flashing me the cheeky Tomlinson grin. "Seem a bit tired. Up too late last night?" His sexual comment didn't really affect me, I was used to these snide remarks.

"Yes." I stated shortly, narrowing my eyes in his direction. "You think you're so clever, Lou." He flashed his teeth and leaned against me slightly, fluttering his bright blue eyes at a rapid pace.

"You know you love me, baby."

"Jesus, get a room!" Zayn snorted with disgust, but a smirk played on his lips.

"I drank too much last night!" I complained, my fingers stretching across my face and putting pressure on my throbbing head.

"I know you did!" Niall exclaimed. "We were telling you to stop, but you wouldn't listen Harry."

"Whatever." I mumbled.

As we made our way through the doors of the airport, we were soon mobbed by a wave of shrieking fans, and one of our Modest! managers held out their arms to force them at a distance.

"Stay back, please!" Sarah, our main manager commanded, a look of indifference on her face.

"It's fine, really." Niall laughed uneasily, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, let us say hi to our fans." Liam mused, irritation clear in his expression as he narrowed his gaze at Sarah.

"You'll have plenty of time for that later." She replied shortly, in her 'no nonsense' tone, and we groaned as she lead us through the airport hastily.

. . .

As we entered the hotel room, I lazily fell onto the soft mattress with a groan, my bags thumping onto the floor without an effort.

"Goodnight." I grabbed a pillow and pulled it over my face.

"Nah." Louis chuckled and fell back onto the bed next to me, and I could feel his breath against the side of my throat. "Wake up, sleepyhead."

"You're so god damn annoying!" I laughed and kicked out my leg, striking him in the shin. He cried out from the sudden pain and rolled over, turning away from me.

"I thought you loved me Haz." He whispered, his tone sounding genuinely choked up with tears. "I'm breaking up with you!" He screamed, leaping out of bed and flinging a pillow in my direction.

"That's okay, I have Niall." I chuckled and closed my eyes again.

"Bitch I hope the fuck you do!" He grumbled, pushing himself off the bed and disappearing into the small kitchen.

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