New Plain

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Mario's P.O.V

I ended up falling asleep by the door by the time I was about to swop with Carson. I was tapped on the sholder making me jump a bit, but I know who it was anyway.

Carson: "Its morning now, did you eat anything last night?"

I nodded as I got up from the floor and looked out the window. Carson grabbed his bag off the ground and grabbed what ever we needed from here. He tosted my bag at me and I grabbed all we needed as well. I wasted Carson climb over the back baricads to then kill some of the infected standing close by as I climb over to join him. "Where do you chose we go this time?" I asked and he looked around for any of the beasts lerking around.

Carson: "We need more amuntion for my gun and we need better wepens. I think we should go to any police station or gun store hope there is still an anmo box or wepen in them." He said looking away from me, but at the street.

"I do only have a hort rang wepon, so it would be good to have a better wepon." I said looking at him as he walked out on to the street. We walked a few blocks to one of the nearest gun store. Finding nothing no weapons, anmo, or anything to be of use to us. WE sat in there for a but till we heard chirch bell ring down the road from where we were at. Carson looked up from behind the counter at with comfusted exspreation, I looked at him in the same way. We never heard the bells go off since the out breack started.

Third Perosn P.O.V

Carson and Mario hid in the gun store as a hord of zombies and beasts march twords the sound. The sound from the large bells from the largest chirch building in the city, ringing echoed throw out the streets of the city, bringing millions of infected to the roads.

Carson's P.O.V

We both watched as infected as they marched down the road to the sound of the bell. I sighed and went to the back door of the store to see if there was another way out throw the shoting range and lucy for us there was a back door. I tap on the door frame to get Mario's attenction. He looked at me and nodded then inched over to me. "There dosen't seem to be any infected in here. Lets go Mario." I said to him in a low toned commanding tone.

Mario: "Do you bealive there was another person still in the city?" He asked keeping his voice down, just incase there is infected in there.

I nodded and walked in with a metal rod I got from boat house. We keep ower voices down as bother of us walked down the two sepret hallways. I got the end of the hallway first and there was a rotting corpes on the ground as if its head was just smashed in by someone. Mario meet me at the door and watched the corpes on the ground as I checked around after opening the door. There was a bunh of infected on the ground all looked to be just killed like the one in the store. "Someone was just here not to long ago. All the zombies here are all freashly smashed." I said that as I looked at all the corpes on the ground. The bodies went all way down the ally way to the main street of the city. I looked at Mario as he looked at a few bodies went down an allyway directly infront of us. "Your call Mario; Fallow the ones going to the main street or the ones that go down that allyway?" I asked him and he sighed.

Mario: "The ones that go to the main street aer also going to the bell. I would say the other." He said looking down the other allyway.

I ready my weapon and walked down the ally Mario fallowing close behind. A beast started the liveing crap out of the both of us as it came out of one of the buildings. Mario grabbed my bag abd pulled me behind a dumpster. I took a deep breath then looked at where the beast was, peeking around and seen the beast was eating a corpes that was leaning agenst a police baricade. I ducked back down and hit my head agenst the dumpster. Mario looked at me with a rased brow. "Well guess we are going to the police station." Mario then looked a the beast over the dumpster and back at me.

Mario: "But we also have to get past there new geard dog." He said as he sat back down next to me.

I snickered a bit then menched somethiing that was importedant. "Your right, but there not dumb animals they actuly have a brain and will do something that will scare the crap out of us." Mario coverd my mouth sudenly and I seen he had a look of complet fear.

Mario's P.O.V

As Carson was talking the beast must have heard us or something that moved behind us. Carson got a little bit laud so I coved his mouth when I seen the shadow of the beast walking over to us. I could feel my beath get stuck in my throut as I watched the beast walk right passed us. Carson got up after I removed my hand and we both ran for the baricasds. The sound of the beast turning around made us run a bit faster. We hit the baricads and then got to the doors of a FBI amered truck and shut ower selved in there. "Its going to creat a comotion over here and we'll be stuck in here." I say to Carson and he didn't even hear me.

Carson: "We have guns now, sadly no pistale rounds, but a loaded shot gun and a rifle." He picked up the guns and I grabbed the shotgun from his hand.

"Well that's one brights side of being stuck in here." I said as I looked over the gun. A short balral shotgun, with only ten rounds of bollets. I look at the streaing wheel and see the keys where still in it. I climb over Carson that is siting in the middle of the lame. I shut the door and started the engan of the truck. "It runs at leasts." I say and now just thoguht of how loaud the truck is as it rummbed to life. Carson got up and sat next to me in the passanger seat. He was still looking over the rifle he pick up. "Isn't that an assalt rifle?" I asked as I gunned the truck down the road.

Carson: "Yep, one of the powerful ones too. Can easly blow up one of the zombies head in a flash." He placed the gun in the empty spot between us then staired blankly out the window. "Lets try to get closer to the edge of town. Hope there isn't much out there, is the zombie I mean."

I nodded and contuned to drive down to the unknown.


Carson's P.O.V

I was driving as Mario sleeped in the passager seat. I seen the gas meater was low and was actuly on the E. I sighed and then desided to see if a gas pump still worked. All ther was around us was just houses and empty lots, just as I thought we where going to have to stop I seen a gas station barly in the darkness of the night. I stopped and turned of the truck, waking up Mario.

Mario: "Wh..Whats up? Out of gas?" He asked was in a sleepy voice.

I sighed then grabbed my medatl pipe and exsited the truck. "Stay here I'm going to check if the decals pumps work... Hopefully with out a fucking card or having to go into the store." I said and Mario nodded still looking sleepy. The pumps where contraled on the inside of the store, I curse to my self and look at the building. "Fucking hell something I didn't want to do in the dark..." I closed my eyes and hit my head agenst the truck still looking twords the building. Then I just came to this destion; Opening the back of the truck and hopped in. Mario looked at me with a smerk.

Mario: "Decided to get gas in the morning?" He asked turning in his seat to face me.

"Yeah, not going in there when its night." I said and he shrugged then looked out over the dash board to sky. "Its sad people said they send people to space if this ever happened... But that never happened did it? No, one will ever leave this hell we created." I said that laying on the floor in the back.

Mario: "They'll only send smart people anyway, me and you would be left behind to rot away." He said that with a laugh.

I laughed and grabbed my bag and used it as a pillow. "I'm going to bed. No, point in doing anything if we cant see anything anyway."With that I closed my eyes and didn't even wait for a reply back from him before sleep fully took over.

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