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*Jess's P.O.V."

"Jess wake up it's your first day of school as a junior!" Mom yelled up the stairs.

Ugh. Sometimes I wonder why I can't go to Hogwarts it would be so much more fun than high school.

"Alright! I'm up! When will Julia be here?" Julia was my best friend. We were walking to school together today. Just like me she shared a love for Harry Potter.

"At 7:30!" Mom yelled up.

"Thanks!" that gives me a good forty-five minutes until we leave. I picked out my cutest outfit (high waisted skinny jeans with my Hogwarts crop top) and went downstairs.

"Knock. Knock. "

"Come in!" Julia was here.

"Hey are you ready?"

"Yah lets go!" I responded "Bye mom! Bye Dad!"

"Bye sweetie!"

We started walking down the street when something caught my eye. It was a man that looked remotely like Dumbledore!

"Julia look he looks like Dumbledore!" I whisper yelled.


Dumbledore's look alike walked up to us.

"Hello, my name is Albus Dumbledore. Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"But, your dead." Was my brilliant response.

"Maybe in this time period. But I do believe you an I are in the wrong time period." No way! Should we trust him?

"Prove your actually Dumbledore."

"Okay. Ask me any question."

"What is happening at Hogwarts this year?"

"The Tri-wizard tournament."

"Who does Snape love?"

"Lily Potter."

"Alright I'm pretty convinced but first one last thing."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Do some magic." we said together.

Dumbledore then produced the patronus charm an I was in awe.

"No way!" I breathed.

"Yes. Now that you are convinced do I have the pleasure of taking you to Hogwarts?" professor asked.

"Yes sir." we replied.

With a wave us his wand we landed right in front  of the castle and I gasped.


"Yes. It is very beautiful. Now the two of you will be sorted with the first years."

"Okay, sir." Julia said. We walked right in line with the first years and in front of the whole school.  A certain red head caught my eye.

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