Chapter 2

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*George's P.O.V.*

Ugh. Here comes the first years. At the back of the line though. Who is that? There were two girls one was a beautiful brunette and the other was blonde. They look Fred and I's age. Yay! The beautiful brunette with chocolate brown eyes was the first called.

"Coleman, Jess."

She walked up and as soon as she sat down the hat called...


"YAH! WOO HOO!" I whooped and cheered for Jess and made an open seat next to me. She was walking over to me. Breathe.

"Hi! Can I sit here? I'm in sixth year I was just a little late on my letter. So was Julia." She said pointing to the other girl in line that Fred was starring at.

"Yah, sure." I said

"Thanks!" Wow she has a dreamy voice.

*Fred's P.O.V.*

George look comfortable with that girl so I turned my attention back to the front of the hall right as a girl about my age was called.

"Watson, Julia!" She walked up and the hat was placed on her head. After a few moments the hat finally called a house.


"YAY! WHOOP WHOOP!" I was so excited she was really pretty. Guess what? She walked up to me!

"Hi! Can I sit here?" She asked

"Um, y-yah sure." I stuttered. Ugh. My stomach was doing backflips. I have never felt this way before. She is just so beautiful. Instead of talking to me she was talking to the girl sitting next to George across the table. I had no idea what she was saying though.

*back in the common room*

*Jess's P.O.V.*

"Wow Jules we are actually at Hogwarts! Eek! Can you believe it?" I shrieked.

"No! Fred is even hotter in person too!"

"No way! George is way hotter!"



"Wait! this just means we can both have a twin!"

"Yay!" I said, "we should start off the year with a prank!"

"Yah I have an idea to see who will help us!"


*George's P.O.V.*

"Fred that new girl Jess is so hot!"

"No way! Julia is way hotter!"

"No way it's definitely Jess!"





"Wait!" Fred yelled. " This way we both get one. We just have to hope that they like us too."

"Yes Fred! Your brilliant!"

That's when the two girls stood up right on the coffee table.

"Oi!" Julia yelled but no one was paying attention.

Jess whistled and it shut everybody up!

"Okay! We are new but from what we saw tonight we are throughly disappointed in you!" Jess yelled.

"Why?" I screamed back.

"Because from what we've seen tonight," Julia started "none of you like to prank!"

I gasped. That definitely not what I was expecting. These girls seem awesome! Right then and there Fred and I's fireworks were set of out on the grounds creating a W.

"Wow!" the two of them said. "Who did that?"

Fred and I stood up and bowed.

"Well I think we will get along just dandy boys!" Julia stated looking at Fred.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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