Eddie kaspbrak x reader

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"Hey Ed's come look at this!!" You said as you ran down the hill to the creek.
He caught up to you a few seconds later and looked to where you pointed.
"There's frogs in the water! Let's catch some!" You said.
"Do you know what diseases those things can carry?! There's no way I'm going anywhere near them." He said and backed away.
"Aww come on Eddie, it'll be fun!"
"No way. Sorry y/n but it's not worth the chance of getting salmonella or something worse." He then turned around and started walking up the hill.
"Come on I'll buy us ice cream instead. It's getting late anyway."
"Okay, but I'm paying for my own, I don't need you to buy anything for me."
"Sure" he said, "race you there!" And he took off.
"Hey no fair! You had a head start!" You said as you ran up the hill as fast as you could to catch up to him. You were a bit faster than him so it didn't take you long to catch up and pass him.
A minute later you were way ahead of him and you could see the ice cream shop.
"Y/n wait!" You heard Eddie say. He sounded very out of breath and when you turned around, "oh my god Ed's are you ok?" He had his hands on his knees and he was wheezing.
"Where's your fanny pack?" You asked as you ran back to him.
"I- I left it at the creek." He looked panicked.
"It's fine I'll go get it for you. It's only a minute away, stay here."
And with that you started sprinting all the way back to the creek. You noticed it getting darker as you were running back, but all that mattered was getting Eddie's fanny pack. When you got there you looked around for it. It wasn't there. You looked a bit further down the creek; it wasn't there either. You started to panic. Eddie needed his puffer, what if he couldn't breathe as you were looking? You frantically looked around more, hoping you just missed it.
"Looking for this?" You heard a grating voice say. It was Henry.
You turned around "please can I have it? It's an emergency." You asked him.
"And what do I get from it?" He sneered and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Eddie was in trouble and you were already taking long enough.
"Please just give me the fanny pack." You said flatly.
"Come on sugar tits, I'm gonna need something in return... how about you come over tonight?"
"Henry we can deal with that later please just give it back." You asked again with, unintentionally, a hint of desperation in your voice.
"I expect you to be at the bridge tomorrow at 8 so we can... talk." He smirked and threw the bag over to you.
You ran up the hill as fast as you could and just as you were far enough from Henry you yelled "In your dreams Bowers!!" And when you saw his furious reaction you ran as fast as you could away from him and towards Eddie.
Oh thank god. You thought as you saw him standing on the sidewalk. He was leaning against the fence and holding his chest, but he was doing okay and you got to him on time.
"Eddie I'm so sorry I-"
"Y/n please... the puffers"
"Right, sorry." You handed him his inhaler and he gratefully took it.
"Thank you so much" he said, "hey, are you ok? You look terrified"
You must have been visibly scared from your encounter with Bowers.
"Yeah. It's nothing, let's go get ice cream" you reassured him as you started walking towards the ice cream shop. But it wasn't ok. Henry was mad, really mad. He would do everything he could to find you now and you didn't know what to do.
"Actually Eddie, it's not. It took me longer to get your fanny pack because Bowers took it and wouldn't give it back. He said the only way for me to get it was if I 'gave him something in return' and he expected me to meet him at the bridge tomorrow pretty late." You shuddered at the thought of what he planned to do at that bridge. "I'm really scared and I don't know what to do."
"Oh my god y/n I'm so sorry. We can go back to your place and I can stay the night if you would feel safer."
"We can grab ice cream first but sure, that would be great. Thank you so much Ed's, I really appreciate it." You smiled and on the way back you got two cones (you got chocolate and Eddie got vanilla) and ate them as you walked to your house.
"Don't you need to go pick up your stuff?" You asked.
"No I need to be here for you right now, I'll be fine for tonight." He said.
"Ok, thanks Ed's, I really appreciate it."
"Anytime" he smiled. You both didn't say anything else as you walked back to your house. You just enjoyed the setting sun and the cool evening air.

Authors note: there will probably be a part two of this soon, so keep an eye out for it if you like where this is going! I hope you're enjoying the imagines and preferences so far!💛

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