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Hio! ^^ This is my first time doing oneshots so sorry if it's bad. Anyway, on to the oneshot!
(Prinxiety and Logicality)
Patton's POV

I heard a thud come from down stairs in the common room as I was reading this book Logan recommended. I went downstairs to check on the other sides as I saw a 6 year old Roman and Logan, along with a 5 year old Virgil. I squealed as I saw Virgil huff. I looked at them each and noticed that Virgil didn't have any foundation or eyeshadow. I walked over to him and picked him up. He didn't struggle much to my surprise.

I looked at his face and saw little freckles. I booped his nose which made him grumble. I giggled as I put him down. "So kiddos, what happened here?" Both Roman and Virgil pointed at Logan who sighed.

Virgil's POV

"So Kiddos, what happened here?" I pointed towards Logan as I notice Princey do the same. Logan sighed as he pushed his glasses upward. "We were playing a game and I turned them into kids, including myself." Logan pouted. Honestly it was funny seeing him like this. I snickered which earned me a death glare from Logan.

Apparently, Roman saw him glaring at me as he walked over pulling out his sword in a protective manner. I blushed as Roman stood in front of me facing Logan. "Don't you dare glare at My Chemically Imbalanced Romance like that! I will fight you." Roman's child voice made me giggle as he put his sword away.

He turned to me and booped my nose before pulling me into a hug. I was a blushing mess as I heard Patton giggle. Logan sighed as he clung to Patton's leg. I giggled as I pointed to them. Roman then saw, smirking at Logan. Logan blushed as Patton picked him up. All of a sudden, there was a tug as we were all being summoned.

3rd person

"Hey guys, ready to make a vide- OMG WHAT HAPPENED!?" Patton giggled at Thomas's screech. Virgil crosses his arms as Roman reached for him. Logan sat crisscrossed on the floor, not really seen by the camera. "Well apparently they were playing and Logan changed the three into children. Also Roman and Logan are 6 while Virge is 5." He giggled.

Thomas nodded. "So well do a video after.. this is resolved. Also why is Virgil smaller than the two others?" Patton smiled at this. "Well you see, anxiety wasn't discover until later." Thomas nodded once more. Virgil huffed as Thomas noticed his freckles. "AWW LITTLE VIRGIL HAS FRECKLES!"

Virgil rolled his eyes. "Yes I do now weave me awone!" He huffed out in frustration. They all awwed at his cuteness. Roman was just trying hard to get out of the room so he could hug and cuddle the adorable 5 year old.

Thomas noticed this and sighed while smiling. "Well come get me when their all back to normal." He smiled and waved them off. They all sank down and as the living room of the mind palace came into view for Virgil, Roman was already hugging him tightly.

Logan giggled shocking all the sides as he still clung to Patton. Patton patted his head as he carried the now yawning Logan to his room. As they walked upstairs, Roman had carried Virgil, somehow, bridal style to the couch. Roman turned on the TV playing Princess and the Frog before cuddling the blushing Virgil. Virgil just smiled as he fell asleep all while being held by the Prince.

=Time Skip to the Next Day=

Virgil's POV
I woke up in the warm arms of Roman as I noticed we had returned to our normal form. I smiled as I snuggled into Princey's warmth. I heard a slight hum signaling that Roman was awake. I looked up to see him staring down at me. I blushed quickly looking up. "Morning." I mumbled as I looked away, still snuggled into his chest.

Roman hummed again making me blush even more. "Good morning my dark prince." I snickered. "How cheesy
Sir-Sing-a-lot." I looked up at him making him smile down at me. I pecked him on the nose before snuggling into him. Pretty sure he was a blushing mess because he went stiff. I giggled but not before being interrupted by a yelling Logan and Patton.

"PATTON YOU KNOW IM NOT GOOD WITH EMOTIONS!!" Logan was covering his face that was as red as a tomato as he came down the stairs followed by a red, smiling, Patton. I sat up along with Roman.

"I KNOWW BUT YOU SAID THAT YOU LOVED ME AND THATS AN EMOTION!! YOUR NOT GOOD WITH EMOTIONS BUT YOUR GOOD AT SHOWING THEM IN SECRET!!" Patton squealed. Roman and I looked at each other before they looked at us. "What's going on?" I asked super confused.

Patton smirked. "Last night Logan wouldn't let go of me and this morning he said he loved me thinking I was still asleep!" Logan blushed as me and Roman awed. Logan then looked at us. "I suppose you two are also an....'item' as I see you slept together and are holding hands?" Logan said as he threw his vocabulary card to the side.

Me and Roman looked at each other and blushed. I guess so.

Hope you enjoyed it cuz I enjoyed writing it! Anyway take care peeps! I also take requests so please feel free to request! ^^
(Take care Guys, Gals and non-binary pals)

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